Sunburn: Symptom Cause and Treatment
- By:Adam Frazer
Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living being on the earth. There are three spectrum of light which comes from the sun namely visible light, infra red and ultra violet. Among them, ultra violet rays are highly dangerous for all forms of life as it causes malign cancer. Ozone is the top layer of atmosphere which protects us from this harmful radiation, unfortunately human activities have depleted the ozone layer. Now, every one is more venerable to these harmful UV rays.
Sunburn is a common problem which affects people because of UV rays. Fair skinned people are most vulnerable to this. Even an exposure of 30 minutes long in the sunlight can cause sunburn. Earlier this disease was related to people living near about equator but now it is affecting people globally. Tanning bed also can be a cause of sunburn. Generally sunburn can be dealt with easily there is minor sunburn; however severe cases of sunburn are also reported frequently. Severe sunburn can be fatal. So, there is an urgent need for prevention and treatment of sunburn.
In mild sunburn the skin of affect area becomes red. There can be itching and inflammation on this area; some dizziness also can be felt. But in severe sunburn the body becomes dehydrated. This can stop circulation of blood and lymph in the vital organ of the body, thus may lead to death. Fever, nausea, vomiting, and shivering are the other symptoms related with acute sunburn. After exposure to sun if these kinds of things occur, immediately call a doctor for help.
Avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight is the best way to protect you against sunburn. If it becomes compulsory to go in sunlight use umbrella or long brimmed hat with the use of sunscreen cream or lotion on the open part of the body. Tanning bed has more harms than its benefits, so its use should be avoided. Whenever there is mild sunburn, you can apply milk cream or milk over it. This can give relief upto a sufficient extent. Rubbing moderate amount of ice over the affected area provides some relief from inflammation. Painkillers and analgesic medicines also can be helpful; whereas medicine should be taken only on doctor’s prescription.
Medical treatment for sunburn is generally done with the help of silver sulfadiazine based creams. To compensate water loss doctor can suggest taking of sufficient fluids. However in severe cases, there can be an urgent need for injection of high quality pain-killers and hospitalization in the burn unit.
Prevention from sunburn is better than its cure. One should especially avoid sunlight if he or she is already suffering from some skin disease.About the author:
Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for OnlineSkinCareTips. To learn more about Skin Care tips, Sunburn, Natural skin care tips, Treatment of Acne, Sunburn Treatment, Anti aging effort visit