Tips for Using Indoor Tanning Lotions
- By:Wes Cox
"Even if you are experienced in using indoor tanning lotions for improving the effects of your day at the tanning salon, you could probably use a few extra tips. Anyone who is interested in maximizing the results of their tan will want to know all that the can about how to do so. Some of these tips may be familiar to you but hopefully you'll gain some additional knowledge that can help simplify your tanning process and improve your use of indoor tanning lotions.
Tips for using indoor tanning lotions:
o Know the differences between indoor tanning lotions. When you were first getting started with tanning, you probably thought that all indoor tanning lotions were the same. Now you probably know that they aren't. If you've gotten used to using the same products every time, you might want to take a look at what else is out there on the market. This doesn't mean just making sure you're using the right one for your skin tone. Various products offer various benefits. Do you want tan extender lotions to facilitate tanning after you've left the salon? Would you be interested in indoor tanning lotions that contain bronzers to jumpstart the tanning process? You should do your research into really understanding the differences between all of your indoor tanning lotions so that you get the one that is truly right for you.
o Know your alphabet. Well, not your alphabet per se but the important letters which correspond with the vitamins that your body needs. You should look for indoor tanning lotions that include Vitamin A and Vitamin E. These vitamins are crucial to reducing aging effects on the skin. They'll also help with moisturizing which is an important part of the proper use of indoor tanning lotions.
o Don't forget your kisser. Many people use indoor tanning lotions on their entire body, including giving particular care to their face, but then they forget to protect their lips. You'll want to make sure that after applying indoor tanning lotions to your face, you dry off your mouth from any stray lotion that's there. Then add a sunscreen or appropriate chapstick to your lips. You don't want to have a great tan but be unkissable.
o Back it up. You may not ever take a look at your back but when you're wearing that sexy strapless swimsuit, your back is bared for all to see. You want your tan to be even across your entire body and that means making sure that your indoor tanning lotions are properly applied to your back. Solicit someone else at the salon to smooth it on for you. Some salons even provide this service as a really offer.
o Tyrosine. Huh? You want to find indoor tanning lotions that have tyrosine in the ingredients. This ingredient helps to clean out your pores. That's a quality that is always good and is especially good when you're slathering lotion on to your body. For healthier skin, it's the way to go."
About the author:
Baxter Owens is the developer of, an ultra premium Indoor Tanning Lotion website