Treatment Of Acne With Proper Medication
- By:Adam Frazer
Acne vulgaris is commonly known as pimples. Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease. Acne affects human body at the beginning of puberty. The intensity of the disease generally lowers down after crossing teenage. The disease equally affects both men and women. Face and neck are those part of the body where acne prominently can occur however, it can also affects chest, back, arms and upper parts of legs. The disease is associated with hair follicles and sebaceous glands. People of western countries are most vulnerable to this problem as imbalance in gene also can be a cause of acne.
At reaching puberty sebaceous glands secrete excessive oil which blocks hair follicles. This is the heaven for the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acne. These bacteria rapidly increase their strength by multiple cell divisions in these oil accumulated pores. This forms cyst beneath the skin; the skin above these cyst becomes bulged and deformed. Acne leaves permanent scars on the skin whenever better treatment is not done for this.
Unbalancing in the level of those hormones which are secreted to attain puberty is supposed to be the prime factor causing acne. There are many other factors which are supposed to affect occurrence of acne. Most prominent causes are stress, irregular menstrual cycles, allergies, use of steroids, accumulation of dead skin, and side effects of iodine, chlorine, bromine, lithium based medication.
Acne is not initiated or stimulated by the consumption of chocolate, fried food and sugar rich diet. Though excess iodine can cause acne but its incorporation with sea food is not established. Myth stating masturbation increases impact of acne has no scientific ground.
The quest for searching a better treatment for acne is going on for millenniums. Hot water treatment, mineral water treatment, and sulphur treatment, were the common ways by which people tried to cure acne. Only in early twentieth century, efforts were made to cure acne with the help of antibiotic like benzoyl peroxide. Since then many development in medical treatment of acne have been noticed. Supplementing diet with vitamin A pills, laser treatment and light therapy are most prominent and relatively advanced techniques for acne treatment.
The new techniques for curing acne are expensive; it is not possible for everyone to afford the cost of laser and light therapy. Doctors still prescribe benzoyl peroxide based topical cream to be applied on acne affected area. Benzoyl peroxide dissolves dead skin and opens pores of skin. Creams containing Azeliac acid are also beneficial for the acne treatment. Oral antibiotic like tetracycline and doxycycline can also accompany topical creams for effective acne treatment. Acne in female is generally treated with hormone therapy. These hormonal pills are alike contraceptive pill containing progestogen which acts against acne causing testosterone. Acne generally takes two to three month to flatten down after starting treatment for it.
Medication for acne must be taken on doctor’s prescription as these medicines may have some side effects.About the author:
Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes articles for OnlineSkinCare Tips. To learn more about acne treatment, natural skin care tips, black skin care tips, acne vulgaris, male skin care tips, female skin care tips visit