Types of Chemical Peels
- By:james dalton
In this beauty obsessed world, there are people who will do anything to ensure that they always and will continue to look good. This can be done in a myriad of ways. They can do plastic surgery, other beauty products, or over the counter cosmetics to enhance their look. Once such procedure that is used to benefit the face and have it look younger is the use of chemical peels. This article will examine the different types of chemical peels that are available and the benefits of their use.
A chemical peel is the use of a chemical solution that is used to treat and improve the skins texture. This is done by removing the outer layers and exposing the fresh new layers. This helps people who have some type of facial discolorations, blemishes and even wrinkles. There are three types of acids that are usually used to treat the face and these are Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)
The phenol is the strongest of the three chemical peels. It is used when people need a very deep peel. This is used to treat people who have badly damaged skin, such as very hard wrinkles, extremely blotchy skin or at times pre-cancerous growths. Since it is deep acting, the phenol peel might actually affect the pigment and cause some amount of lightening. It can also leave scars and other effects, if used other places aside from the face.
Another chemical peel is Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This is used for medium treatments of the face. It does not go as far down as phenol, but it is still very effective. Depending on the concentration used, it can work on fine wrinkles, skin blotches and scars. If you have some type of pigment problem, it is usually treated by the TCA. The results of the TCA differ from the phenol, this is often due to two different concentrations. TCA recovery time is much shorter and the results are not as long lasting as say a phenol.
Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs), such as lactic acid, glycolic acid and fruit acids are the lowest and mildest types of chemical peels. It is often referred to as a light peel and you can have the procedure done during your lunch break and go back to work with no problems. It is often used to treat very small wrinkles, uneven skin tone and scars from eczema and acne. The peel is usually done over a period of time such as 2 weeks to a month. This is to ensure the individual gets the proper results. Glycolic acid can also be used at home to get a proper looking result.
Chemical peels are the right way to go if you are interested in revitalizing your face and bringing a fresh new look. Depending on the look that you want, there are three different types of chemical peels available. There is Phenol for deep peel, Trichloroacetic for medium and finally Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) for the light peel. Each one has its own benefit, decide which is best for you.
About the author:
For more information on chemical peels, such as Glycolic Acid Peel. Then feel free to explore James Dalton's website. Information on Glycolic Acid Information its benefits and the best places to purchase please visitGlycolic A