Want to Look Good in Sandals? Include Your Feet in Your Dry Skin Care Routine
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Summer solstice is close upon us and, although some of us may have started early, it marks the beginning of the beach season. It’s also time to expose our feet! Over the winter they can certainly tend to get dry and cracked, and now we want them to look nice and pretty so we can show them off. Or, at the very least, not be embarrassed. How do you accomplish that? Once you’ve got them looking good, a shielding lotion will help keep them that way, but the first step is to apply some of the basic principles of dry skin care for the feet, and to get your nails in shape.
Here’s a routine that will help make your feet worthy of display.
1. Remove any nail polish, and clean your nails.
2. Cut them straight across, and smooth any rough edges with a nail file – file in one direction, towards the middle from each side.
3. Soak your feet in a pan of warm water for 5 or 10 minutes to soften the skin.
4. Rub them with course sea salt, a great exfoliator and a must in your dry skin care routine. Use a pumice stone if your feet are callused. The sea salt will also help smooth out the calves.
5. Give them a good massage. A combination of peppermint and coconut oils makes a good natural lotion. Rub it well into your feet and calves to improve circulation.
6. Rinse off any excess oils with warm water.
7. Dry thoroughly with a fresh towel.
8. Apply a shielding lotion to keep the moisture locked in, and protect your feet from harmful bacteria in the environment.
Once you’re on the beach, the sand will help exfoliate and, in fact, sand can be substituted for the sea salt in step four above.
Like any good dry skin care routine, this special one for the feet not only makes them look good, you’ll feel like you just came home from a relaxing day at the spa.
Slip on your sandals, and enjoy!About the author:
Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit www.SkinMDNatural.com.