What Can I Expect At An Indoor Tanning Salon?
- By:Wes Cox
"Many people hesitate about going to an indoor tanning salon because it’s a new experience which can make people a little bit nervous. However, the indoor tanning salon experience is generally considered to be a pleasant one. Many people even find it to be indulgent, like going to a common day spa. Once you know what to expect at an indoor tanning salon, you’ll be less anxious and more likely to simply enjoy the experience. Your initial visit should answer a lot of your questions which will help turn the salon experience into a positive one.
On your first visit to an indoor tanning salon, you will find that you get a plethora of information. You will have access to a number of different brochures which tell you about the tanning experience and the risks and benefits associated with it. You will also fill out a number of forms describing your own personal information so that the people working with you at the indoor tanning salon can help you to best figure out which tanning practices and tanning lotions will be right for you.
Some of the questions that you’ll be answering on your indoor tanning salon forms may seen irrelevant or too personal to you. You should realize that this for your own safety while tanning. For example, the forms ask about what medications you are taking. This is because there are certain medications that are photosensitive and which are not safe for indoor tanning. Your tanning salon isn’t trying to be nosy; it’s trying to make your tanning experience safe. You’ll also go through an assessment to determine your skin type so you can learn about the right tanning lotions, moisturizing habits and tanning lengths for your skin.
After you have gone through this initial paperwork phrase, you will most likely work with an indoor tanning salon staff member to learn more about the procedures and practices and to tailor them to your needs. You will be given a tour of the salon so that you can see the tanning beds that are used and the layout of the salon. You will also be given information about the tanning lotions and products that should be used at this salon and with these tanning beds. This is the time to ask a lot of questions so that you feel comfortable with the tanning experience.
When you go to enjoy your first experience in the tanning salon, you will be introduced again to the way that the tanning beds work at your facility. You will most likely be shown where to go and how to get assistance if you need it. Once you enter the tanning bed, you will probably find that you are immersed in a very relaxing experience. Most people find that the time that they spend in their tanning bed is some of the most peaceful time that they have all week long. In fact, the general tanning salon experience is relaxing, from the way that you are greeted and pampered by your staff to the tranquility of those minutes spent in your tanning bed.
Trying something that you have never tried before is always a little bit nerve-wracking. It can be intimidating to go to the indoor tanning salon because it feels like everyone else there already knows what kind of tanning lotion to use, how the tanning beds work and even how to find what they need in the facility. But of course everyone has to start somewhere. Once you take that first step and go check out the tanning salon, you’ll find that it’s a comfortable experience that you’re glad you tried."
About the author:
Baxter Owens is the developer of TanTans.com, an ultra premium Indoor Tanning Lotion website