What We Did for SunBurn Relief When We Had Next to Nothing

By:Thomas Mayhew

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When I was growing up, we had next to nothing. It was a meager but some how relatively happy life. Things were simpler than they are today. No passwords, no internet ordering, not thousands of choices at the supermarket and drugstore.

So, what did we do when we needed sunburn relief?

Well, first of all, I'll tell you what we didn't do. We didn't rush out and buy the latest goop at the pharmacy/drugstore. Even if we would have had the option, we didn't have the means or luxury of doing so.

Matter of fact, what we did do was quite inexpensive, was readily available from our table and worked beautifully.


Plain Yogurt! Not this sugar-filled monstrosity we can hardly seem to get away from these days. Just plain old Yogurt...

Applied in a very thin layer over the affected regions. It worked and it worked well. The coolness of it eliminated the immediate burning sensation instantaneously. The properties of the yogurt healed the skin. I don't know how, but it did. Perhaps it was the helpful bacteria therein.

All I know is that if I get a sunburn today, I am not rushing out to make some company a sale. I am going to my refrigerator and applying a small amount of yogurt to the burned skin and I'll find instant sunburn relief - something that seems to be highly desired these days.

Copyright 2007 Anila Mayhew

About the author:
Anila Mayhew is involved in the day-to-day operation of Crimson Books and manages Albanian Language Translation Services. Since her husband went through a death-defying health experience (in 2005), she has taken a keen interest in sharing her health knowledge with others, personally and in a larger forum.