What is Hydroquionne

By:james dalton

The skin is a very delicate organ of the body. It is susceptible to various types of diseases and conditions that can affect the look of the skin. The results of the effects of these conditions can sometimes leave darkened regions or blemishes depending on the severity of the condition. The look of dark blotches on the skin can have people feeling self conscious, especially if it is in regions that are visibly exposed. This article will focus on the bleaching agent Hydroquinone. We will look at what it is, how it works and the best way to use it.

Hydroquinone is a skin bleaching agent that is often times used to lighten dark blotches on the skin. These blotches maybe a result of freckles, age spots, eczema scars and acne scars. Hydroquinone works by reducing the formation of melanin in the skin. Melanin is what is responsible for giving the skin its color. It is able to reduce the melanin in the skin because it blocks the production of tyrosinase.

If you are using hydroquinone topical cream to reduce the look of skin blemishes then you should follow specific steps. For starters the cream is only to be used externally. It should be applied to skin that is clean and dry. The hands should be washed once it is applied. You should ensure that the cream does not get inside your mouth or eyes and if it does it should be washed away from the affected regions immediately.

There are some side effects associated with hydroquinone but they should not be anything serious. The typical types of reactions that one might encounter is irritation, itching, burning and stinging all associated with the part of the skin that the hydroquinone was applied. If you have side effects that are a result of using the agent, then you should discontinue using the product and go and see a doctor immediately. This agent is approved by the FDA, so extensive research has gone into development of the product to ensure that is safe for public consumption.

There are many different ways that are available to reduce the look of skin blemishes that maybe the result of scars or skin conditions. One such product that will help to reduce the look of the blemishes is hydroquinone. This product reduces the look of melanin in the skin and this will help fade any dark spots you may have. There are some side effects associated with the product, but it should not be anything too serious.

About the author:
Hydroquinone as a skin lightener is very effective. James Dalton has researched this and written on this topic on his blog. Please visit his other blogs on the topics Lawn Fungus and Glycolic Acid.