What's Good For an Abscess?

By:Charles Browne

An abscess, an accumulation of pus normally caused by bacterial infection, can occur anywhere in the body. As the bacterial infection attempts to spread through the area, white blood cells come and attack the bacteria. White blood cells, the body's defenders against infection, accumulate to form pus. The body then builds a tissue wall around the pus to keep any remaining bacteria from spreading.
There are various types of abscesses depending on the part of the body they are found. This article deals mainly with those found on the skin. An abscess which forms around a hair follicle is a boil. A severe abscess, which covers several hair follicles, is called a carbuncle. Symptoms may include pain or tenderness, swelling, heat, redness, or a fever. If an abscess forms just under the skin, it usually appears as a bump.
Vitamins and herbs are considered helpful in combating an abscess. Herbs can be taken internally to strengthen the body's defense systems. These herbs include: Burdock, Cayenne, Dandelion, Echinacea, Garlic, Red Clover, Milk Thistle, and Yellow Dock. Herbs may also be applied directly to the abscess, to be absorbed through the skin. Herbs used externally include: Aloe Vera, Burdock, Chamomile, Sage, and Thyme. Vitamins, which may be helpful, include: Beta-carotene, B Complex, C, E, and Zinc.
Your body can't heal itself if you don't give it the proper tools. Good nutrition is very important for healing as well as boosting the immune system, which will lower the risk of developing an abscess in the first place. Try to consume lots of fruits and vegetables. Plenty of water is important; you need 8-12 cups of water daily. Limit consumption of dairy foods, unhealthy fats, junk foods, meat, sugar, and white flour.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

About the author:
Charles Browne is a research writer for ounceofprevention.info, a free online encyclopaedia concerning herbs and other healing foods used in nutritional healing and disease prevention.