Skin Care
What are the Symptoms of Cold Sores?
Cold sores are certainly nothing unusual, eight out of ten people show signs of the virus Herpes Simplex, which is the cause of cold sores. The World Health Organization has estimated that 89% of the world’s population are potentially affected, wi...
Skin Care Treatment With the Correct pH Balance Helps Dry Skin
The pH (power of hydrogen) factor is a term most of us have heard but which few understand the significance of as it relates to skin care. Calculated on a scale of one to 14, pH refers to the levels of acid or alkaline in a substance. Below seven is...
Eczema Can Be Treated With Lifestyle Changes and Better Education
In the U.K., the incidence of eczema has risen at a remarkable rate: since the 1960's the number of children with eczema has risen from 4 percent to 24 percent of the population. Some experts attribute this to changes in our environment and lifestyl...
Skin Care Treatment With Liquid Crystals Is Safe and Effective
'Liquid crystal' is the new buzz word in the cosmetics and skin care industry and, although liquid crystals have been around for a few decades, they are currently being heavily advertised as the new miracle ingredient. What are liquid crystals and d...
Keeping The Skin Healthy Organic Skin Care
The skin is the body's largest organ, wrapped around our structural frame it consisits of 800,000,000 cells. The skin has a thickness of 1.27 mm (one-twentieth of an inch) and weighing two and a half kilograms (six pounds) This thin covering protect...
Men's Grooming and Skin Care Quiz
1. It’s not a big deal if you skip the post-shaving soothing. •True •False 2. Always use sun protection containing an SPF of 15 or higher. •True •False 3. You should change your razor after 4 -5 uses. •True •False 4. It’s okay to use...
Questions and Answers about Exfoliation
It’s an integral part of any skincare routine, and yet most men have no idea what exfoliation is and what it can do for them. Read on to find answers to some of the most common questions regarding this skincare practice, and learn how exfoliation...
WHAT YOU WEAR CAN ALTER THE EFFECT OF YOUR ECZEMA TREATMENT: ACCORDING TO CLINICAL TRIAL Scientists involved in treating skin conditions such as eczema have turned their attention to the type of clothing worn by patients and come up with an innovati...
Herbal and Ayurvedic Remedies for Dark Under Eye Circles
Dark circles are formed under the eyes. They are dark blemishes that surround the eyes and thus spoil the appearance of the face. They are also known as eye circles and are sometimes referred to in slang as bags under the eyes. There are many reason...