Acomplia Remains a Question to be Answered

By:Jack White

Fats are produced by plants and animals alike. These are insoluble in water plus its density is lower than water so it floats in water. Fat is a necessary ingredient in the body but excess possession of it is known as obesity and is bad for health.

To overcome obesity there are some remedies available amongst them diet pills, exercises, controlled diet program, liposuction and surgery are worth mentioning. Surgery and liposuction method should be taken in case of severe problem and these are expensive plus one may need re-operation after sometime. Exercises and controlled diet are natural methods to control it but these are time consuming. Diet pills are supplements to restricted diet and exercises and cannot work independently in thwarting obesity.

But above all to reduce weight one has to have willpower. In addition to that he has to do workouts and follow a strict diet food intake pattern. Amongst the diet pills that have come into market Acomplia (Rimonabant) is the latest. It is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, a French pharmaceutical giant. For the time being Acomplia is marketed only in the UK and the EU. Its approval is pending with the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and when it is released for sale in the US it might be named as Zimulti.

CB1 is a kind of receptor found in brain and its periphery. It is important for lipid and glucose metabolism. The introduction of Acomplia (Rimonabant) diet pill blocks these receptors which in turn lead to suppress excess want for food. As the want for food is not there the food intake lower. As a result of that the body uses up the energy breaking down complex fat in the body. It can be said that using up of fat for energy need is a detrimental factor in reducing obesity.

The ideal dosage of Acomplia diet pill is to be decided by a doctor. Side effects like depression, irritability, nausea, restlessness and dizziness may show up during the course of its intake. Usually the side effects stop occurring when body adapts to its infusion. As Acomplia (Rimonabant) diet pill is comparatively a new drug more side effects may show up. In case of severe side effects one should consult a doctor.

Persons with heart diseases, lung diseases, allergy, diabetes, hypertension and blood pressure etc. should take proper attention before taking Acomplia diet pills. Women with pregnancy and breast feed child should also consult a doctor.

Acomplia diet pill is a new weight loss drug. This drug suppresses appetite and has nothing to do with the fat reduction process. So, individual results of Acomplia diet pill may vary. But the most important factor to loss weight is to follow a stringent diet regimen and do exercises without which its effect on weight reduction would be less visible. Introduction of this drug is recent and only time will tell whether this drug has an effect on reducing obesity.

About the author:
Jack White is an associated editor to Miracle Diet Pills. He is a contributing author and provides information on General Health related issues. For more details related to Acomplia,Rimonabant,Xenical,Reductil,Lipograsi,Slim 24, Turbo Slim Men visit