Are Weight Loss Supplements Useful For You?
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Are Weight Loss Supplements Useful For You?
The debate about whether supplements for weight loss are healthy or not will go on and on for years to come. There are good and bad points to using weight loss supplements. One of the bad points is that once you stop taking them you gain everything back that you lost to begin with.
Most doctors will tell you that weight loss supplements are not necessary and that only a good controlled diet along with daily exercise is the only thing one needs to lose weight. This is true. however with today's working society with 2 parents working and trying to raise children at the same time who has time for exercise? Who has time to plan good nutritional meals?
What do you think of the hundreds of weight loss supplements out there on the shelves today? Are they worth the money? Will they actually help you lose weight? How do you know which ones are going to work for you? Is there any proof that these products work?
I've taken some time and researched some of the most popular product to try to find the answers for you. The truth is, most products won't help you lose anything but money. There are a few, however, with some research behind them that prove that they actually work.
What are these supplements that work? It seems that only four products hold the best promise for those of us who want to slim down. They are Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Hydroxycitic Acid (HCA), phaseolomine, and possibly 5-HTP.
1. Conjugated Linoleic Acid, CLA, has a number of research studies behind it. It is a fatty acid that has been found to reduce cancer risks, body fat and to increase lean muscle tissue. The Journal of Nutrition reported a Scandanavian Research team found CLA to increase the lean body mass of humans and also to decrease the fat mass. CLA does occur naturally in meat and dairy products, but the levels are pretty low. Also, if you're following a healthy low-fat diet, you tend to not get as much meat and dairy, so supplementation may be the answer for getting a healthy dose of CLA.
2. Hydroxycitic Acid, HCA, is derived from a fruit, Garcinia cambogia or Malabar tamarind. It seems to work by inhibiting an enzyme that converts carbohydrates to fat. Studies on humans have had mixed results with one study using a high fiber diet, showed HCA had no effect on weight loss. Critics think the high fiber diet prevented absorbtion of the HCA. So, if you're on a high fiber diet, HCA may not be for you.
3. Phaseolomine is derived from the white kidney bean. It works by reducing your body's absorbtion of starchy carbohydrates. Since you absorb fewer calories, you lose weight. Seems like this supplement would be great to take if you knew you were going to indulge. Research has also shown that you burn more fat while taking phaseolomine. Subjects in one study lost 10% of their body fat in 30 days. Phaseolomine is typically found in carb blocker products.
4. 5HTP works by increasing the level of Serotonin in the brain resulting in more stable emotions, better sleep and weight loss. In one study where women were given either a placebo or 5HTP and a 1200 calorie diet, those who took the placebo lost 2.28 pounds and those who took 5HTP lost 10.34 pounds. This was accomplished in 6 weeks. Are there other supplements that work? There may be others that will stand the test of time and research, but for now these are the best non-prescription supplements I've found to enhance your weight loss efforts.
Back to supplements.
First they will not work if you do not get the proper diet and at least exercise once per week. What supplements do is to help speed up your metabolism rate decreasing the need for daily exercise. They also supplement the nutrition needed that you may not be getting from your diet for proper weight loss. Weight loss supplements actually regulate your blood sugar level, this helps you overcome severe sugar and carbohydrate cravings that sabotage even the most strong-willed weight loss efforts.
So are weight loss nutrition supplements right for you? When my friend lost 40 pounds using supplements she felt great. She was happy and gained allot of self esteem back. Not to mention that she had allot more energy. If you have a hectic schedule and cannot find enough time in the day to prepare proper nutritional meals and get regular daily exercise then I suggest you give supplements a try.
My opinion is that if they help you to lose weight and make you feel good about yourself again then go for it. What do you have to lose except a few pounds. There are hundreds of products on the internet you can try.
Good luck losing the weight you want to lose!