Are You Really Ready To Lose Weight

By:Kathryn ONeill

I know, I know. What a crazy question!

Considering that we’ve all tried so many diets until we can give calorie counts in our sleep - where do I get off asking a question like that?

But bear with me please. This may actually get you closer to your weight loss goals than you think!

We've heard it a million times but it's true:

Losing weight permanently is not just a quick fix.

It’s not taking a magic pill and waking up the next morning with a body fat count of 10%. It's not reading the latest diet-book-of-the-week and ‘poof!’ you’re a size 6. It’s not getting into ‘the zone’ for half a day and all your weight troubles disappear.

But you know that right? We all know that!

But if we know that why do we jump from diet to diet to diet? From weight loss plan to weight loss plan?

Why do we keep trying the latest way to lose weight? Why do we get discouraged so easily? Why do we give up and think it's just not possible?

Here's the truth: Losing weight is a life change, plain and simple.

Funny how we cut ourselves some slack with other life changes like moving or getting married or having a baby, but not with losing weight! Why not?

Are all those infomercials promising fast, easy weight loss getting to us? Are the constant images of thin models and size 0 actresses making us think it’s easy?

I don’t know what it is but it seems that the first thing we have to do when deciding to lose weight is ask ourselves if we’re really ready for that kind of life change.

Are you ready to change your eating and exercise habits for good? Are you willing to move permanently towards a healthier way of life?

We also have to realize that letting go of extra weight requires letting go of other things as well. Like the way we might do things, or the way we think about food and eating. It requires us to be open to change, to be ready to see what works and what doesn't.

So before we choose a method of losing weight, we should decide if we’re truly READY to lose weight or not.

Key point: It’s ok, if you're not!

For one reason or another you might not be ready yet for a change in your lifestyle - that's ok. Accept yourself and wait until you are truly ready.

BUT if you are ready, if you are determined to lose weight WHATEVER it takes, if you're open to the kind of life changes losing weight will require—then look out baby. Here you come!

Because when you decide that you’re truly ready to lose weight, nothing will stop you!

About the author:
Kathryn O'Neill is a contributing writer to - a website offering free diet reviews and the latest weight loss tips.

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