Atkins Diet

By:Michael Malega

Good research has resulted into writing this article for you, I hope it helps.Knowing that you need to better understand this topic I recommend that you take Five minutes to read what we have to say.
In the Atkins diet you are introduced to a new way of living. With this method you will be re-educated about the types of low carbohydrate foods that you can eat. You will have to follow certain spartan rules in order for the Atkins diet to work for you.
There are Four stages of the diet that are necessary for any one who is on the Atkins diet to follow. These stages are the induction which is stage 1, in progress weight loss
is level 2, pre-maintenance is the 3rd phase and stage Four is maintenance. In addition to following the diverse dietary rules of these various stages the Atkins diet also recommends that steady exercising and nutritional supplements are used as part of this low carbohydrate diet.
During the induction point of the Atkins diet it is possible to ache up to Fifteen pounds. This is achieved by restricting your sugar intake to 20 grams a day. You can have low carbohydrate vegetables in your diet like lettuce, broccoli and tomatoes, Yet you can’t eat yoghurt, fruit and any starchy vegetables like potatoes on an Atkins diet. You are not allowed to have any drinks like alcohol or anything that might be caffein based.
National Trust foods. You will also find there to be a significant weight loss during this period.
When you enter the Third and 4th stages of the Atkins diet you will have reached your ideal weight. It will be at this time that you get to increase your carbohydrate intake up to 60 grams per day. From this point on if you wishing to keep your weight at this level then you must stick to your Atkins diet for the rest of your life.
Thank you for Taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge please continue to search this site.
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About the author:
Michael Malega presents several Atkins Diet articles for your information. You can visit Michael's net site at: Atkins Diet