Be Cautious Of Counterfeit Hoodia Diet Pill

By:Emily King

Hoodia has been in the news for its efficacy as a herbal weight loss medication.
This all natural appetite suppressant which has been time tested for its efficacy and usefulness. It has been used by the tribes of the Kalahari Desert while they went on a hunting expedition to curb their hunger and thirst in the challenging climatic conditions.

It works on the principle of an appetite suppressant, by sending brain signals of satiety of the stomach. This in turn sources reduction of appetite, which helps in sourcing weight loss. Use of this medication can keep you satisfied for up to 24hours since its consumption without food.

In the mad rush to lose weight, we often tend to purchase counterfeit medication rather than genuine products. This scenario is applicable to Hoodia as well. Owing to the immense popularity of this weight loss medication, several companies are indulging into production of counterfeit diet pill. In fact, sale of counterfeit Hoodia diet pill is on the rise. These counterfeit products contain harmful products like saw dust which can be detrimental for your health

Hoodia diet pill contains an extract p-57, which is derived from Hoodia Gordonii cactus like plant. This cactus-like plant matures after every 5-7 years, with the appearance of purple flowers. This long period of maturity makes the availability of Hoodia scarce, contributing to yet another reason for production and availability of counterfeit diet pills.

Non-availability of a FDA approval is another disadvantage which makes it difficult to determine the authenticity of the product. The reason it is a herbal supplement, it can’t be endorsed as per the FDA guidelines.

Differentiating between the original and counterfeit Hoodia diet pills can be quite a difficult task. Only by means of an independent laboratory testing, can one identify between an original and bogus diet pill. But not everyone can do so.

To make sure you buy original products, follow a few tips such as:

* Always make sure that the ingredient at the back the container includes Hoodia Gordonii as it s chief ingredient, as it the plant from which P-57 is derived.

* Ensure that seller of this medication has a CITES certificate, which is an authorization of selling genuine Hoodia products.

Stay vigil, while you buy Hoodia diet pill because only a genuine product can facilitate effectual weight loss.

About the author:
Emily King is a specialist doctor for healthcare, weightloss and obesity. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for weight loss subject. For more information on Hoodia, Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills, Hoodia diet pill, African Hoodia Cactus, Hoodia Gordonii visit