Being Overweight Now A Global Issue

By:Jeannie kerns

According to the Department of Health and Human Services news release, data collected by the International Day for Evaluation of Abdominal Obesity has concluded that being overweight is now a global problem.

A new study done by INSERM in France has found that men and women from all around the world are now suffering from being overweight. Lead author Beverly Balkau and Director of research at INSERM in France has stated that "The study results show that excess body weight is pandemic, with one-half to two-thirds of the overall study population being overweight or obese."

The study was done on 168,000 men and women between the ages of 18-80, that were living on five continents and 63 countries. All those who were part of the study had been evaluated by their family doctors. The findings proved that 40 percent of men and 30 percent of women were now overweight. It also found that 24 percent of men and 27 percent of women were obese. More data found was that 56 percent of men and 71 percent of women had abdominal adiposity, which is excessive fat, this condition can cause a severe increase in the risk of heart disease as well as diabetes.

Not only did the study find that people around the world were overweight, the study also concluded that the overall frequency of heart disease was 16 percent in men and 13 percent in women, Eastern Europe had excessively high rates of heart disease and Canada had extremely low rates, and last but not least, 13 percent of men and 11 percent of women had diabetes due to the overweight factor.

Balkau also states that "For men, each increase (in waist circumference) of approximately 5.5 inches (14 centimeters) means an increased frequency of about 35 percent for heart disease and for women an increase of approximately six inches (15 centimeters) equates to a 40 percent increase for heart disease. Even in people who are lean, an increasing waist circumference means increasing risk for heart disease and diabetes,".

With rates likes this, people need to start educating themselves on how to avoid becoming overweight. Being overweight is not just one problem, it is one problem that leads to many different problems. Take the time to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Walk around the block, take a stroll around the park, or play some ball with your kids, make time to exercise, it is a definite activity you should not avoid.

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SOURCE : Overweight Now a Global Problem