Can I Have A Tummy Tuck?

By:Arturo Ronzon

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery is a major surgical procedure that aims to remove unwanted fat and excess skin from the lower abdominal area. Tummy tucks also tighten up the abdominal muscles via surgery. The end result is a nice figure free of unwanted fat and stretch marks.

If you are planning to undergo a tummy tuck, it would be a good idea to go for a general checkup to determine to overall health. You would be at an increased risk of complications if you have diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, liver disease. Go through your medical history and consult with your family doctor to see if you can undergo a major surgical procedure.

Your bodyweight should in and around 30% of your ideal bodyweight to get the most out of a tummy tuck. Your weight should also be quite stable within the period of 6 months before your tummy tuck. If you are on a weight loss program or plan to take one up, then you should complete the weight loss program first. Upon completion of your weight loss program, wait a while for your body weight to stabilize before undergoing a tummy tuck.

If you plan to have children, then you should go for a tummy tuck only after completing you family planning. The reason is because pregnancy will stretch your abdomen and this could undo your tummy tuck procedure as a tummy tuck aims to tighten the abdomen.

It will also help a lot if you start gathering some information about surgery. A tummy tuck is considered a major surgery so you should be well prepared to know what you are getting yourself into. This information gathering exercise will help calm your emotions and help you understand the risks involved in undergoing major surgery.

Since a tummy tuck involves surgery, you would probably want to make sure that it is the last resort of your weight loss efforts. The main reason being the lengthy recovery period after a tummy tuck. It will take you up to a year before you can fully enjoy the benefits of a successful tummy tuck.

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