Christian And Overweight - That's Not God's Plan

By:Frank Smoot

Fact #1: More than 80% of Americans are Christians.

Fact #2: Some 74% of Americans are now overweight, and almost 25% are clinically obese. In fact, obesity is now the Number One U.S. health problem.

Fact #3: A shocking 96% of all weight loss efforts end in failure.

Conclusion: There are countless millions of overweight Christians struggling and failing at weight loss. Can this possibly be what God intended for His children?

Absolutely not! And if we knew who we really were -- who God created us to be -- no Christian would let his or her body fall into such a wretched and ungodly condition.

God makes it clear from the start (Genesis 1) that we're created in His own image. That alone should be reason enough to take excellent care of ourselves.

He also created us body, mind/soul, and spirit, and these are His three precious, priceless gifts to us. But are we treating them with the reverence they deserve? Scales and mirrors in millions of Christian homes tell the sad truth.

Of course, many Christians claim that "God cares about our spirit, not our flesh." Tragically, this becomes a convenient excuse to put all your attention on your spirit -- while your body goes to hell in a hand-basket!

What does God say about our bodies? 1 Corinthians 6:19 makes His position clear:

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"

Not only is your body God's temple, it really isn't even yours. You're just the caretaker!

Is your temple a fitting home for God these days? Or is it in need of some serious renovation?

"...these dreamers pollute their own bodies..." (Jude 1:8)

God wants you to be healthy!

"...for I am the LORD, who heals you." (Exodus 15:26)

He wants you to have it all!

" is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32)

Don't you think "having it all" includes having a fit and healthy body to house the mind and spirit God was good enough to give you?

The key to godly self-care is see yourself as He sees you -- as the divine creation you truly are.

Once you do, you will automatically begin to treat yourself with the love and care that God's most magnificent creation -- you -- truly deserves. And you will become thinner, healthier, and happier because of it!

But just to help you remember, I'd like to leave you with a brief bit of prose:


"God In The Mirror"

(2005 Dr. Frank B. Smoot, MA, DD

One fine day you will awaken from your earthly slumber...

...and you will at last understand that you were created by God Himself-in His own image and likeness.

And for the first time, you will see and embrace the divine being you were made to be...

"...Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" - Psalm 82:6

"...Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" - John 10:34

...and you will look in the mirror and see God-looking back at you...

...and you will at last appreciate the magnificent creation that you are...

...and your spirit will overflow with tears of joy and gratitude... you thank your loving God for every minute of this life you have been blessed to receive.

And starting on that day, you will allow nothing into your body, mind, or spirit...

-- not food nor drink, not thought, word, nor deed --

...that will in any way diminish the precious and unique Child of God you now know yourself to be.

And your life will never be the same!


Peace be with you,

"Dr. Frank"

About the author:
Dr. Frank B. Smoot, MA, DD, is a weight loss success coach and counselor ( and is the creator of the Weight Loss God's Way Success System, available at