Comfort Zones in Weight Loss

By:Al Sanchez Sanchez

When it comes to life there are always comfort zones. There also are always the same people that stay in their zones and minorities who wander out of their zones further expanding their zones. Which person are you?

Does your comfort zone have anything to do with health and fitness? Absolutely! If you can’t give a diet a chance then you’re hiding behind your own current diet which may or not be damaging you.

Many people do not like the idea of counting calories. It gives the notion that you’ll have to count everything you eat and you’ll end up eating like a robot. Although this can be true at first, when you adjust to it, it is really easy. I, for example, have become so accustom to counting calories and looking at labels that I know how many calories there are in general foods. Of course, if there are some specific foods that are loaded with some “secret” ingredient it may have more calories than I estimate. However, I probably wouldn’t be eating something that I knew was filled with calorie dense ingredients.

Changing lifestyle habits may seem hard but they will benefit you in the long term. Imagine implementing one healthy habit every week. In a year how much healthier do you think you’ll be? Simply by venturing out of your comfort zone a week at a time you can be living an extremely healthy life!

Many people refuse to continue with diets or don’t even start diets at all because of comfort zones. They have vivid memories of their past when they could eat anything they wanted to eat. They could go have fast foods, get groceries at the local gas station, etc. Returning back to old comfort zones and staying there is simply being a coward! I have had many times when I thought of simply going back to eating whatever I felt like. However, I didn’t and I have grown as a result.

Controlling your internal desires for things that are not good for you is very important. Not just in weight loss but in everything in life. It’s strange but the more I look at it the more I begin to realize that the ability to lose weight has a lot to do with the ability to live life. Some people work hard and reap the benefits while others settle for what they got and move on day by day wishing for some magic pill to come around and take away their problems.

About the author:
Al recommends a great system for fat loss