Creating The Right Environment for Rapid Weight Loss
- By:Antonio LeMaire
Weight Loss And Your Environment:
Creating an Environment For Rapid Weight Loss Success
Achieving a rapid weight loss goal will be easier if your surroundings aren't constantly tempting you to cheat on your diet. There are four danger zones that most of us encounter on a regular basis:
Social Situations
Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce the temptations in those zones and stay on the path towards your goal, whether you aim for a slow, steady weight loss or more rapid weight loss.
You likely spend most of your time divided between work and home. So having a well organized home with a healthy kitchen is a crucial factor in any steady or rapid weight loss plan.
The Kitchen
Don't sabotage your diet before it even starts by keeping the wrong foods in the house. Because remember, when we're hungry, we want to eat NOW,so we gravitate towards the packaged and prepared foods. And those are usually things like salty carbs, sweets, and other snacks that we know aren't good for us and don't support our rapid weight loss plans.
Tips for a Healthy Kitchen
Remove all processed/refined foods from the house.
Put healthy snacks where they'll be easy to spot. Things like:
raw nuts (almonds/walnuts/pumpkin seeds).
chopped vegetables (e.g. carrots, celery,cucumbers, broccoli, peppers).
nut butters (e.g. almond, cashew, macadamia) to spread on apples, celery or toast.
Try a new veggie. Pick one that you have never eaten before to keep things interesting.
Choose whole grains (e.g. oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa).
Choose meats that are low in fat (chicken, turkey or wild game).
Choose fish as a protein source.
Try making extra for dinner so you can bring leftovers to work the next day.
Cook large amounts of healthy meals and freeze portions for the week ahead.
Making changes to your home eating habits and surroundings will put you way ahead in the pursuit of your rapid weight loss goals.
How to Grocery Shop For Rapid Weight Loss:
Never shop when you're hungry.
Avoid the grocery store when you are upset or unhappy; you may make unwise purchases.
Always make and take a list.
Do most of your shopping around the outside edges of the store; that's where the healthier foods are usually found.If there is a health food store near you, shop there instead. They tend to have more variety in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Rapid Weight Loss and The Workplace
Work can be full of food traps just lying in wait to ruin your diet: a coworker with a candy dish on her desk, vending machines full of fatty snacks and sugary drinks, Friday afternoon pizza parties, bagel and cream cheese morning meetings. Destined to destroy your rapid weight loss dreams? Not so.
New routines and planning ahead can save you from many of the most common office pitfalls.
Eat a healthy breakfast that includes protein and fiber to keep you full until lunch (e.g. poached eggs on whole grain toast or oatmeal cereal with milk, nuts and raisins).
Instead of fattening lattes, cappuccinos, and coffee with full cream, try herbal or green tea instead.
Bring healthy munchies (nuts, fruit, protein bar) to satisfy the mid-afternoon munchies.
Bring your lunch to work... maybe some leftovers from last night or a raw veggie pita sandwich. Keep water on hand. If you feel hungry, have a full glass of water first. You may just be thirsty.
If you are stuck in a meeting and can't avoid eating what is served, choose the least processed foods. Or bring your own lunch/snacks into the meeting if possible.
Restaurants Versus Rapid Weight Loss Dilemma: To stay in business, restaurants need you to like the taste of their food. An easy way of doing this is to add fatty dressings, butters and sauces that add hundreds of calories. So even if you order a salad or poached fish, the calories have a way of finding you! How to keep your rapid weight loss plan on track and still enjoy eating out once in a while?
Tips for Eating Out and Maintaining a Rapid Weight Loss Goal:
(You may want to print off this list and keep it in your purse or wallet)
Always ask for dressing on the side when you order a salad so you can control the serving. Oil and vinegar dressings are best.
Avoid croutons and other high carb add-ons for salads.
Avoid the bread and butter; ask the waiter not to even bring it to the table.
Resist the appetizers; they are excess calories you don't need.
Order baked entrées versus fried or sautéed.
Ask for your steamed veggies without butter or sauces.
Choose meal items with little or no sauce, or ask for the sauce on the side.