Do you feel drained and constantly tired? Would you like to feel energised, happ
- By:Sarah Liddle
The Body Ecology Program
True Healing Takes Time
Are you committed to rebuilding your health in a slow and gradual process?
I have simplified and broken down the Body Ecology program into steps that can be easily implemented and followed.
Stage 1 B.E
The first stage can be looked at as a pyramid, there are three key facets to this stage. If you were to draw a triangle you may put CORRECT DIGESTION in the bottom left hand corner, then you would draw a line going to the right and you would write CREATE ENERGY, then linking the two up to the top centre of the pyramid you would write CLEANSE. These three key facets are the vital ingredients to build a healthy foundation in which to create true health on. Without this foundation or with a poor foundation you would not be able to get well. It would be like building a house made with sticks, stones, and maybe a few bricks. You can not get well, unless you have these three building blocks in place.
What is on stage 1 of the program:
• Cultured Foods
• Young Coconut Kefir, including young coconut kefir cheese
Goals of stage 1:
This stage is the stage that you should be cleansing your colon.
Correcting digestion by healing and restoring the inflamed gut
Eating easy to digest liquid food
Developing a positive attitude towards food, and your body
About the author:
Sarah Liddle
Life Coach, Certified Body Ecologist, Health Professional for One Group
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