Does your diet cause you Hunger Pangs ? - choose the most Amazing diets to look

By:Diana Connery

If you have been looking for ways to shed those extra calories to look fit and fabulous, the most important part is to choose a diet that suits you.

There is no point in wasting time with diets that you know you are never going to follow. Eating tasteless food, diet pills, zero calories diet and neither is starving yourselves or your food cravings going to help.

You can indeed achieve the slim and trim look you wantwithout going into hunger pangs. Simply choose a diet that you would love to follow and you will see amazing results there are many different types of diets that you can choose from.

In some of these diets, you can actually continue eating your normal food portions while working towards the body type that you desire.

Choosing your type of diet:

1. Cookie Diet - Is weight management possible by eating cookies, soups and shakes ? Yes Indeed.

you can actually manage your weight by eating. The smart cookie which is balanced in fiber, carbohydrates and protein. This makes a weight loss offer hard to refuse.

2. Cabbage soup diet - The cabbage soup diet is a low fat, high fiber diet that will help in losing weight faster, and should not be continued for more than 7 days, it provides a great start for a more moderate diet.

3. South Beach diet - This diet has three phases

Phase I - Avoiding High-glycemic carbohydrates such as potatoes, sugar, cereals etc

Phase 2 - Whole grain foods and fruits are added to the diet slowly

Phase 3- Once the desired weight is obtained, the diet expands to three servings of whole grains and fruits a day.

The best part of this diet is that, dieters can continue eating six meals a day and there are no limitations on servings.

4. Grapefruit Diet - The grapefruit or fruit juice is considered to have fat burning properties. The grapefruit is a part of each meal and dieters are advised to drink 8 glasses of water every day.

Vegetables and black coffee also forms a part of this diet which does not allow most complex carbs.

In addition to following a diet plan, it is more important to remember that the body weight that you desire to achieve has more to do with health and looking good is a bonus point.

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Click here for more amazing diets