Drinking Your Way to a Healthy Body
- By:John Scott
While dieting it is important to watch what you drink just as much as you watch what you eat. A great number of beverages and "healthy" fruit juices are packed with high amounts of sugar and will cause weight gain if not properly burned off. This actually defeats the purpose of dieting because by drinking all these beverages full of sugar, you are actually working against your goal. Here are a couple of rules when it comes to what to drink while dieting.
Rule # 1:
Drink plenty of water. I know, you've probably heard this a million times but it's true, this is a key ingredient of a healthy lifestyle.
If you are the kind of person who just can't stand drinking water because it doesn't taste like anything, try adding a lemon wedge to give it a little twist in flavor.
Rule # 2:
Lay off the booze. We all know about the beer bellies but what many don't know is that it has been proven that alcohol has elements which actually make it more difficult to burn off fat.
This isn't to say you can never drink again but you shouldn't exceed 1-2 drinks if you are looking to be healthy. Our liver is one of the organs mainly responsible for metabolizing fat. Since alcohol seriously impinges on proper liver function, too much alcohol means your body isn't being able to metabolize fat and therefore, you're not burning fat like you should.
Drinking alcohol also dehydrates the body which completely defeats the whole idea of drinking enough water. Not to mention the fact that alcohol contains almost as many calories per gram as fat.
The fact is that if you are serious about getting in shape and losing the extra pounds, you have to lay off the serious drinking. If you must drink, try light beer or a small glass of wine.
Rule # 3:
Try not to drink too much coffee. Although coffee is very controversial, the truth is that a couple of cups a day isn't going to do too much harm.
Coffee does, however, dehydrate the body as well and extra water should be consumed if you want to keep hydrated.
If you are looking to lose weight quicker, then stay away from the creamy latte's that are packed with fat milk and creams and loaded with too much sugar.
Rule # 4:
Don't over due low-fat drinks. The fact is that diet beverages, be it tea, soda, sports drinks, etc., often bring a lot of sugar which, as we all know, is completely detrimental to losing weight. Again, the best way to hydrate is water.
Anyhow, diet drinks haven't been proven to help you lose weight and sometimes they may even cause cravings for real sugar which can work against you.
Remember that the consumption of excessive liquid may cause the onset of Cellulite. Read more about Cellulite.About the author:
The article is posted and written by John Scott, the researcher and writer for compareop.com (Phentermine OPs Reports and Discussion board).