Exercise and Acomplia diet pills helps in weight loss

By:Charles Larsen

Obesity is the disease which has many serious risk factors to our body like risk to heart, risk to kidneys and liver. For preventing these risk factors, it is compulsory to lose weight and take care of our health. Weight loss is not an easy task and it takes time to reshape our body. Some times an obese patient is unable to lose their weight by exercise and dieting. Weight loss is very slow process, so it takes time from months to years depend upon obesity condition of patient. Obesity is very popular and serious disease in US and UK and mostly obese patients are unable to rid from this disease.

The main resin of obesity is eating more food than the requirement of the body. When we eat more food than the excess food is saved in form of energy in our body. The excess energy in our body converts to body fat and hence we gain extra weight to our body. Weight loss experts always suggest some diet pills and exercise for losing weight. In the market there are various weight loss drugs, out of which Acomplia is a latest prescription weight loss drug for treatment of obesity.

Acomplia is an oral prescription medication, which reduce body weight by suppress appetite. This appetite suppressant is taken by obese patient after prescribed by doctor. Whenever an appetite suppressant is prescribed by a doctor, there is very low risk of side effects. Acomplia weight loss drug is prescribed for short period of time for treatment of obesity. An obese patient should take precaution before taking Acomplia.

A single pill of Acomplia tablet can take before breakfast after prescribed by doctor. The pill should be swallowed with a glassful of water before breakfast in a daily routine. Breaking or crushing of pill can start digestion of the medication earlier than it reaches in stomach and that can be harmful for patient body.
Every diet pills have dome side effect. Acomplia diet pill also have some side effects like depression, Constipation, dry mouth, blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, stomach disorder and increased rate of heart beats. So it is advised to take diet pill only after prescribed by doctor. Heart patients, breast feeding mothers and pregnant women should not to take Acomplia for weight loss.

About the author:
Charles Larsen is a physician by profession but he is also writing articles on Weight loss drugs for a long time. To know more about weight loss medicine, acomplia Acomplia weight loss pill, rimonabant, buy acomplia, acomplia diet pills visit http://www.acomplia.p5.org.uk