Exposure to toxic materials in the womb!!

By:Ralph Morton

We know we have a huge problem with Toxins, and now we find they are now attacking fetuses. We have suffered enough, no wonder the whole community is preparing to put up many millions of dollars to reduce the Greenhouse gases.

It seems all Western Governments have come to a clear understanding, the Greenhouse Gases must be reduced.

This is the latest report of how we are suffering………..


In a strongly worded declaration, many of the world's leading environmental scientists warned Thursday that exposure to common chemicals makes babies more likely to develop an array of health problems later in life, including diabetes, attention deficit disorders, prostate cancer, fertility problems, thyroid disorders and even obesity.

The declaration by about 200 scientists from five continents amounts to a vote of confidence in a growing body of evidence that humans are vulnerable to long-term harm from toxic exposures in the womb and during their first years.

Convening in the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic, toxicologists, pediatricians, epidemiologists and other experts warned that when fetuses and newborns encounter various toxic substances, growth of critical organs and functions can be skewed. In a process called "fetal programming," the children then are susceptible to diseases later in life — and perhaps could even pass on those altered traits to their children and grandchildren.

The scientists' statement also contained a rare international call to action. The effort was led by Dr. Philippe Grandjean of Harvard University and the University of Southern Denmark, and Dr. Pal Weihe of the Faroese Hospital System, who have spent more than 20 years studying children exposed to mercury.

Many governmental agencies and industry groups, particularly in the United States, have said there is no or little human evidence to support concerns about most toxic residue in air, water, food and consumer products. About 80,000 chemicals are registered in the United States.

Yet the scientists urged leaders not to wait for more scientific certainty and recommended that governments revise regulations and procedures to take into account subtle effects on fetal and infant development.

Chemicals with evidence of developmental effects include compounds in plastics, cosmetics and pesticides.

"Given the ubiquitous exposure to many environmental toxicants, there needs to be renewed efforts to prevent harm. Such prevention should not await detailed evidence on individual hazards," the scientists wrote in the four-page statement.

End of quote.

As this situation is with us, and continually grows, we need to make some arrangement to protect ourselves.

These toxins are taking up residence in our bodies, I recall a quote from National Geographic…..

"Death Begins in the Colon"

These toxins and “dead” foods lead to poor digestion,
constipation, toxic colon build-up, weight gain and low
energy. These common symptoms are more than just an
inconvenience – they can lead to long-term health problems
and serious disease.

The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet
and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. “In fact,
parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in
history”, reported National Geographic in its award-winning
documentary, The Body Snatchers.

Many thousands of the population of North America have finally
come to realize, these toxins cannot remain in our systems, they
must be removed to ensure a healthy body.

These toxins are one of the reasons we have so many obese people on
this continent. It has been found, when we take a body cleanse the body
in turn sheds fat.

So, here we have, a body cleanse serveing two purposes, one, ridding
our bodies of toxins, secondly reducing the extra weight we are carrying

Once you have a cleanse the results are as follows.

(A) An overall sense of Well-Being
(B) Clearer thinking, Focus and Better Attitude.
(C) Energy, Stamina, Endurance and Strength
(D) Increase in Sexual Desire.
E) A General Cleansing of the Body
F) Better Sleep
G) Decreased desire for sugars, carbohydrates, caffeine and nicotine.
J) Potential, safe rapid weight loss

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