Fad Diets do not work!
- By:sharon iremonger
Fad Diets do not work! -
Fad diets do not work because they are unrealistic for the average person. The world is full of fat people. Don't be offended by what I just said - it's true. I know because I tried every one of them (or tried to try) and while the results were great initially - in the long run it just went back on again. The reason is we all think now we have done all the hard work,and lost the weight, we can become complacent again but back it goes! It's the old yo yo cycle! We have all done it - you are not alone. The health dangers are there too. I felt exhaustingly tired and had no energy at all. Trying to hold down a full time demanding job - social life - and look for a new man at the same time was not working. I also found I was losing muscle mass but the weight loss initially was just water loss. OK! where did I go from there? I went to my favourite ebooksuperstore cbdeluxe to get help I found heaps of diets - sensible ones to lose the weight healthly.
Anyone can lose weight - only 5?Here are the reasons the dieters were successful
The dieters accepted failure and kept on trying.
The dieters did not deny themselves--they indulged from time to time
What do I do? I live a very healthy life - keep active but I'm no saint! I eat three meals a day - do not snack ever and try to be as active as I can. I constantly go to my favourite ebook superstore cbdeluxe and get inspiration from there to keep me motivated. Always have a goal to stay focused - like a birthday coming up, a special party, a holiday - anything where you want to look your best will help you to stay focused. It works because I lost my weight all of 7 years ago and have never gone back now to what I was before! You develop a lifestyle change and it becomes second nature - so keep focused is the key - check your ebooksuperstore cbdeluxe for the latest information to help you and you will be one of the 5% who have lost the weight and more importantly kept it off.
They weighed themselves often.
They exercised one hour a day.
They added little bits of activity into their daily life.
They followed a high carb and low fat diet.
When I compare my own weight loss success to the list above, I would say I learned how to maintain weight loss due to the following:
I do the best I can with what I have available. Sometimes I am not always in a perfect situation with the healthiest choices, but I make do with what is there and I stick to the plan. If I make a not so healthy choice, I don't beat myself up about it. You can do it too - stay focused and good luckAbout the author:
Sharon has spent more than 20 years in sales and marketing positions and now does marketing for online ventures.Sharon can be contacted at her website http://www.cbdeluxe.com/?mall=18847