Fighting Fat at Fifty!

By:Dottye Blake

OK- I woke up one morning a few months ago and found myself at the HALF-CENTURY mark! I am middle aged and obese!! HELP!!!
The struggle with a weight problem has been a constant most of my life, even as a child. It didn’t help that Hubby presented me with the first of many birthday gifts to mark this special milestone-CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES! Yes, he was trying to be sweet. But, I sometimes think he is “killing me with kindness”. Does your spouse/partner do this, too? Is he/she an “enabler”, meaning part of the problem, and not part of the solution?
However, I cannot blame him. This problem started in childhood. It is MY responsibility to change this scenario by eating less, exercising more, and cutting out sweets and starches.
When a person becomes 50 years young, they are not exactly at the age in which the body’s metabolism is a bullet train. The metabolism is more like the “Hooterville Cannonball”, from “Petticoat Junction” a popular 60’s show that most of us Baby Boomers grew up with. So, the trick is to give the metabolism a boost by including exercise in the daily routine. This can be as simple as walking the dog in the morning or in the evening- or both!
Swimming is a good exercise for anyone, especially those who are obese. The stress on the joints is less than walking or running. I live in Florida, and am blessed with an in-ground pool which I can use almost year-round. Yoga is also good for those who are just starting to get back into shape- gentle asanas –yogic positions- first thing in the morning help to focus the mind and energize the body, as well as getting the kinks out from being in a sleeping position.
Whatever form of exercise you choose to do- start doing SOMETHING every day!

About the author:
Dottye is a Realtor in Central Florida, and a wife, mother and grandmother. She is the published author of a book and several short stories, songs, articles and poems.
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