Gastric Bypass surgery could be a blessing for morbidly obese people
- By:Nicholas Bowen
Do you hyperventilate while trying on a pair of denims or while climbing a flight of stairs, it could be an indication of serious health related problems. Morbid obesity is one such lifestyle disease that has taken its hold over many people across the barriers of age, gender and country. It can attack anyone depending on the regular lifestyle of the person. An unhealthy lifestyle results in lack of exercise, consumption of junk food, irregular eating hours and resulting diseases such as obesity. Many marketers and advertisers are cashing in on this and providing the allurement of various exercising gadgets and dietary supplements that are supposed to help one lose weight. It works for some, for most it does not and the condition remains untreated. Gastric bypass surgery could be the solution that has the ability to free you from the grips of morbid obesity.
Gastric bypass surgery would be the ideal solution for people who have been unable to reduce or maintain their weight through regular exercise and a balanced, nutritious diet have become severely overweight and are suffering from health hazards due to obesity. The surgery involves the creation of a small pouch at the top of the stomach and a bypass is added around the segment of the intestine. The top of the stomach is sealed off from the rest of the stomach. The food that can be consumed by the person after the gastric bypass surgery is reduced by manifolds. As the food now directly passes on to the small section of the stomach, this also limits the amount of calories that can be consumed by the person who has undergone a gastric bypass surgery. This surgery therefore helps in bringing about drastic weight reduction in patients undergoing a gastric bypass surgery.
Gastric bypass surgery can be of different kinds depending upon the need of the patient. A surgery could be either mini-gastric bypass, proximal or distal gastric bypass surgery. However not everyone can go in for a gastric bypass surgery. A competent team of medical professionals carry out an extensive examination of the candidate who is willing to opt for a gastric bypass surgery. Only when the patient meets the required health criteria, he is accepted as a candidate for surgery. The benefits of a gastric bypass surgery are also many as it may improve or cure the conditions associated with obesity. The treatable conditions are ‘Type 2’ diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and such other diseases that may be related to the obesity of a person.
A gastric bypass surgery can shrink the size of a stomach by almost 90% and within a year or two a patient could lose upto 50% - 60% of their body weight and maintain the normal weight on a long term basis. The gastric bypass surgery outlines what food and what quantity can be eaten by the person who has opted for the surgery. The initial three months after surgery require the person to consume liquid, pureed and soft food. Once the process is successful, a regular balanced lifestyle and diet can help the once obese person lead a healthy and happy life after the surgery.
About the author:
Nicholas Bowen is vastly experienced in weight loss procedures. He advises obese people about the best methods of reducing weight depending on their health and body condition. One of the reference sites he mentions regularly for information about weight loss surgery, gastric band, and gastric bypass surgery and stomach band techniques and Gastric bypass is