Gastric bypass helps you get rid of obesity
- By:Nicholas Bowen
We have enjoyed scores of movies where somewhere in the plot the leading woman is so depressed that she gives up food completely. Real life for me however does not seem to follow reel life. The more depressed I am the more I eat and the scary part is that in depression or simply out of boredom I tend to be attracted towards the wrong kind of food. By the wrong kind of food I mean candies, chocolates, fried stuff and such other junk food. It is a matter of serious concern when I look around and see that I am not alone. The phenomenon of eating food that has the ‘feel good’ factor in enormous quantities with no calorie being burnt in the form of physical exercise is spreading through the society like disease. It has given rise to number of health problems like morbid obesity which in turn starts off a cycle of lifestyle diseases itself. Thankfully science is trying to catch up with these life threatening diseases and has come up with solutions like the gastric bypass surgery.
Obesity is being termed as both an individual clinical problem as well as a serious concern for public health. It leads to various other diseases like cardiovascular attacks, diabetes, and sleep apnea and so on. Gastric bypass is a viable option for morbidly obese patients who need to fulfill certain criteria to qualify for this surgery. A patient needs to be morbidly overweight that seriously threatens his health, has not managed to lose weight through healthy diets and exercise, and is above 18 years of age. The measures ensure that there is no danger to the patient’s health while carrying out a gastric bypass. Gastric bypass results in weight loss that is dramatic needs careful monitoring initially to ensure that the patient loses weight and manages to keep his weight down over time.
Gastric bypass surgery is carried out by competent surgeons with years of experience in the related field. The technique used is one of limited access that is known as laparoscopy where the process uses several small incisions, one of which provides access to a surgical instrument with a video camera while the other provides access to various surgical instruments. The operation is then carried out by the surgeon who views the entire process on a video screen. The gastric bypass procedure involves the creation of a small pouch from the upper stomach with the bypass of the remaining stomach and reconstructing the tract to allow drainage from both the areas in the stomach. The small sized pouch which measures upto the size of a thumb restricts the volume of food that can be consumed by the patient after the gastric bypass has been done. The severely reduced food intake helps to drastically bring down the weight of the person and careful maintenance of the diet ensures that the weight loss is maintained.
A little physical exercise and a healthy can prevent a lot of today’s life threatening lifestyle diseases from occurring. And in case morbid obesity does occur, a gastric bypass may be the right solution in such a circumstance.
About the author:
Nicholas Bowen is vastly experienced in weight loss procedures. He advises obese people about the best methods of reducing weight depending on their health and body condition. One of the reference sites he mentions regularly for information about weight loss surgery, gastric band, and gastric bypass surgery and stomach band techniques and Gastric bypass is