Getting Rid of Those Few Extra Pounds
- By:R Fredriksen
Trying to lose weight can sometimes feel overwhelming. Much of what determines how much weight we gain or lose is based on our metabolism and its complex chemical process.
To understand how our metabolism works can give us insight on how to control it and therefore help us lose the weight we desire to get rid of.
Metabolism’s complex system is one of a chemical reaction that can be usually divided into two categories; Catabolism, which yields energy when breaking down food and Anabolism, the use of energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids. When we eat, the body begins to immediately convert our food into nutrients, which then is converted to energy. The enzymes in the digestive system break down the food. These particles are either immediately used as energy or stored in the liver, muscles, and body fat for future use. Therein lies the problem when it comes to weight gain and weight loss, if we aren’t burning off the stored particles, meaning when we are not active and are without the need to burn off the same amount of energy we are producing, it has to be stored and thus fat is created.
To increase our body’s metabolism and lose the excess weight being stored, there are a number of solutions. The primary one of course is exercise. Exercising is one of things that sounds good but isn’t always feasible with our busy workweek. When we think of exercise, sometimes we associate it with going to the gym or running miles on end. In reality, exercise can be quite simple and can be done without taking time away from your schedule.
An example would be to begin parking further away from your destination. Walk whenever and wherever you can. If your business or place of business has a staircase, try using it instead of the elevator.
If exercise isn’t burning off the weight as quickly as you would like, focusing on speeding up the body’s metabolism might be an option. Using supplements that utilize natural stimulants, like products such as Lipodrene, give the body an energy boost, which assists it in burning off calories. By boosting energy, Lipodrene naturally stimulates the central nervous system without causing jitters or nervousness. How does this work? Within supplements like Lipodrene is a core plant compound called Coryphantha, which comes from the cactus family. And within Coryphantha is Phenylethylamine, the stimulant that is found in chocolate and is responsible for its effects on mood, appetite and a sense of well being. In addition to burning calories you can feel more energized.
Eating smaller portions at regular intervals will also help you shed those pounds. Try not to eat just when you are hungry, plan your meals and eat enough during meal times to not feel hungry shortly after. Moderation is the key.
And last, eat more carbohydrates; it increases your metabolic rate. Our metabolic rate is the amount of energy we expend while at rest.
About the author:
About the Author: R. Fredriksen is the Vice President of Nutrition Dome, a leading provider of Jarrow Formulas, Pioneer Nutritional Forumulas and other quality supplements. For more information, please visit