Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

By:Kathleen Joyce

Green and black tea originate from the same plant but the difference is that black
tea has been allowed to ferment whereas green tea hasn't. As a result green tea
retains more tannins and has less caffeine.
Green tea has great health benefits as it contains powerful antioxidants which
promote anti aging as well as help to fight diseases including cancer. Just
a couple of cups of green tea a day will help to boost your immune system.
It can also lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.
Make sure that you leave the tea bag in the cup for minimum 3 minutes to allow
infusion of it's powerful properties. Unlike black tea green tea is drunk without
the addition of milk, this alone saves you calories especially if you enjoy
your daily cupa but want to lose weight!
Tea contains polyphenols which have anti cancer, anti viral and anti inflammatory
properties. Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called catechins which seem
to have an effect on fat loss by helping to burn calories and reduce cholesterol.
Catechins are thought to help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.
Green tea is also a great aid to weight loss as it increases the metabolic
rate and may also help regulate blood sugar levels. This is also good news if
you are diabetic.
Just drinking between 3 to 5 cups a day will burn about 70 calories a day,
however green tea can be an acquired taste and some people just can't stand
the taste.
If you are one of these people or just don't have time to make yourself 3 or
5 cups of green tea every day then you may be happy to hear that green tea can
be purchased in tablet form.
It's very important if you are losing weight to eat a healthy diet and exercise
regularly. Green tea alone isn't the answer to weight loss however many cups
you drink a day!

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