Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Pills Help Losing Weight
- By:Richard Bean
Can Hoodia Gordonii pills really help you lose weight ? It's the newest catch phrase in the weight loss industry today. Everyone wants to be in on the secret, and still more are wondering about this miraculous plant. What does it do, how can it help you lose weight, and why wasn’t it heard of before? Well, some of it appears to be true, however there is more to weight loss than just taking a pill.
What is Hoodia Gordonii?
Hoodia is a succulent that looks like a cactus. It has been described as a somewhat bitter-tasting cucumber that thrives in extremely hot, dry weather and takes 5-7 years to reach maturity. Hoodia grows in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa, as well as the countries of Botswana, Namibia and Angola. It is said that for generations the San Bushmen, tribesmen native to the regions Hoodia grows, have removed the skin and spines of Hoodia prior to consumption as a way to curb their hunger and thirst during nomadic hunting trips.
Hoodia gordonii is a cactus-like plant in Kalahari Desert of South Africa. This plant was used for centuries by San people. They used to eat this cucumber looking plant in order to suppressed their hunger when out for hunting. Due to this fact, scientists made research and tested p57 to rats and found out that those rats with p57 eat less and decreased in weight than to those who were not.
How Hoodia Gordonii Works
The active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii is a molecule known as P57. P57 copies the effect that glucose has on your brain, telling your brain that you feel full.
The hypothalamus is the part of the human brain that controls your appetite. When you eat, glucose levels in your body rise. As your blood glucose levels increase, the hypothalamus sends a signal out to get you to slow down and stop eating. Hoodia Gordonii's molecule P57 fools the hypothalamus into sending messages to eat less. It therefore helps prevent overeating, you eat less and lose weight.
Hoodia gordonii is truly remarkable in fighting obesity since it can reduce about 1000 calories on the 15th day if you took it daily. So it can truly fight morbid obesity. But of course, one should take hoodia gordonii properly. Use it as it is directed, never overuse it. One should follow direction in using hoodia gordonii in order to gain best results.
Here are some key points about hoodia that you need to know:
# Hoodia gordonii looks like a cactus, but it's actually a succulent from the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. Bushmen from the area have been using hoodia for centuries to help ward off hunger during long trips in the desert.
# Key results of hoodia reported include a reduced interest in food, delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, feeling full more quickly, and a general feeling of well-being
# Hoodia gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no known side effects.
# Hoodia appears to be safe for most people.About the author:
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