Hottest Celebrity Workouts
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Celebrities work hard to stay in peak shape for the camera. Many have their own personal trainers while others are following a strict diet with plenty of exercise.
* Oprah Winfrey used the "Total Body Makeover" from personal trainer Bob Greene.
* Lauren Graham does four-mile runs on the treadmill.
* Kristie Alley lost more than 50 pounds on the Jenny Craig plan.
* Jennifer Garner of Alias enjoys martial arts workouts and....
* Halle Berry follows a nutrtition and fitness routine known as 5-Factor Fitness.
Celebreties such as Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore, and Meg Ryan follow the teachings of Hollywood's most sought after fitness expert: Michael George. In fact, Michael has helped sculpt some of the best bodies in Hollywood.
However, his programs are certainly not for the weak of heart. To get an actress ready for the big screen, he perscribes a strict diet, five days of weight training per week and six days of cardio.
Like many of today's nutritional experts, he promotes eating five small meals per day versus two or three large meals. By eating every three hours, the metabolism is put into overdrive, helping the body to burn fat at an optimal level.
Other fitness celebrities swear by the power of Pilates. Rebecca Romijin is one of them. In fact, she's been doing Pilates for the past seven or eight years. She also works the treadmill and the elliptical machine for about 40 minutes each.
Julia Roberts shed much of her extra weight after pregnancy with regular Pilates workouts. Other celebrities using this incredible workout routine include Madonna, Sharon Stone, Jennifer Anniston and many more.
One of the most popular celebrity fitness trainers is Kathy Kaehler, who has trained the likes of Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Ellen Degeneres, and others.
To get Julia Roberts ready for her role in America's Sweethearts, Kathy designed a program centered around strength training, Yoga, and Pilates.
Kathy Kaehler also helped Drew Barrymore get in peak shape for her role
in Charlie's Angels.
Although exercise is certainly an important part of staying in peak shape. You will never reach your fitness goals without proper nutrition. While starring in the popular TV show "Friends", Jennifer Anniston chose the Zone Diet to look her best on screen.
The Zone diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears and promotes eating a ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. He advises you choose low-starch fruits and vegetables as your carbs and lean protein sources as well as healthy fats. Pork and red meat are certainly not on this menu.
So, do these whole foods and healthy portions work? I'd say so, and I think Jennifer would agree, along with other celebrities who have used this diet, including Renee Zellweger and Cindy Crawford.
However, keep in mind that not every body is the same. Some have a lower tolerance of carbohydrates and may have to limit their carbs more than
others. The key is finding out what works for you and forming good habits that last a lifetime.
OK, so how about the men? They are also working hard to keep their bodies camera-ready. However, their workout routines look very different from
the women.
Let's take Bruce Lee as an example. He not only has an incredible physique, but also incredible strength and style. Here is one of his favorite workout routines:
Clean and presses: 2 sets, 8 reps
Barbell pullovers: 2 sets, 8 reps
Barbell curls: 2 sets, 8 reps
Bench-presses: 2 sets, 6 reps
Lower Back/Glutes/Hams
Good mornings: 2 sets, 8 reps
Squats: 2 sets, 12 reps
Waist Twists: 4 sets, 90 repetitions
Sit up Twist: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
Leg Raises: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
Leaning Twist: 4 sets, 50 repetitions
Bruce Lee would perform this weight-lifting workout every other day while filling the rest of his time with stretching and aerobics.
And then there's LL Cool J. Certainly a very different style than Bruce Lee, but his physique is incredible. What's the answer to his huge biceps and ripped abs?
Hard Work......
LL Cool J does lots of cardio, weightlifting and boxing. He also works in lots of pushups and a lot of running. In fact, he's running 12 miles per
Although you don't have to go to these extremes to stay slim and fit. A healthy lifestyle certainly requires dedication. Healthy habits are the key to a lifetime of fitness, energy, and vitality.