How Hoodia Gordonii makes you lose weight
- By:Noah Rider Rider
Hoodia Gordonii has taken the world by storm and the cactus plant is being touted as the safest and most effective way to naturally lose and keep off weight.
The South African San tribesmen have been using the plant for decades to aid them during long treks where access to food is not readily available. Because Hoodia Gordonii is all natural and does not contain caffeine or chemicals, there are no known side effects. Hoodia has not been around long enough for users to conduct clinical trials however one company selling the product has conducted a study on a group of 400 men and women that are using Hoodia Gordonii in their weight loss regime. This study has been ongoing for the last year and a half and on average; participants have lost approximately two pounds per week in a gradual and safe manner. On average individuals consume approximately 800 to 1,000 calories less per day which adds up to inches of the waist in the long term.
The active ingredient in Hoodia is called p57 which is what the medical community attributes the plants weight loss abilities to. Rather than blocking fat and carbohydrates as is the case with many weight loss pills on the market today, Hoodia Gordonii works by suppressing the appetite. When we eat, typically the level of sugar in our blood increases which sends a signal to the brain that we are full. P57 tricks the brain in thinking that the body is full and curbs our appetite so that we naturally do not feel any pangs of hunger. When taken regularly over time, long lasting healthy eating habits are formed. Hoodia Gordonii can be especially helpful in controlling weight loss related to binge eating, overeating and emotional eating. Brown University Medical School has demonstrated that p57 increases the content of ATP in the neurons of the mid-brain which may send a signal for energy sensing causing an anorexic response in most people.
By reducing the number of calories consumed every day and developing sensible eating habits, Hoodia Gordonii can be part of an integrated weight loss plan that will turbo charge the results and make it easier to attain your weight loss goals. This plan should include exercise, lots of water and vegetables and fruits. A good way to know how much water to include in your diet is by taking your weight (in pounds) and dividing it by two. The result is the ounces of water that you should drink of water every day. Hoodia Gordonii users should try and not grow dependent on the pills and should transition off them once a healthier diet has been established and is being followed.
For more information on Hoodia Gordonii and where to find supplements containing the active element that effectively suppresses appetite and contributes towards weight loss with no side effects visit:
Noah Rider is a regular contributor to and frequently writes about health related issues and natural alternatives to everyday health problems.About the author:
Noah Rider is a regular contributor to and frequently writes about health related issues and natural alternatives to everyday health problems.