How To Achieve Long Term Success In Treating Obesity?
- By:Ng Peng Hock
Obesity can cause serious disability and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea and obesity-related cancers. For example, a male below 35 years old who is twice or 40 kg above his normal weight is 60 times more likely to develop diabetes, and he is also 10 to 12 times more likely to die before the age of 60.
Most fat or even obese people can cut down the extra kilo in the body by choosing either low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet coupled with sufficient amount of exercises. The weight loss can mostly be achieved but the actual kilo trimmed and whether they can maintain such lifestyle for long greatly depend on how determine and discipline they are.
Unfortunately, changing eating habits and having exercise to lose weight just cannot work for some people especially those extreme obese people who need immediate attention because of disability or risk of death. Or, it is simply because they cannot or not willing to change their lifestyle. This group of people has no choice but to get help from surgical treatments that carry certain degree of risk. According to statistics, only surgical treatment has a long-term success rate of 60 to 70 percent.
Among various surgical treatments such as stapling, bypass and others, lapband has the least risk of death at 1 to 2000 versus 1 to 200 for gastric bypass. The risks of complications are also far lower with lapband surgery. The lapband is adjustable according to the patient’s needs and can be reverse if required. An experienced surgical team is the key to ensure a successful outcome. Moreover, the long-term results from lapband surgery are as good as the other more complicated operations and with less long-term nutritional disturbances.
After the treatment, the reduction in weight will normally cause the medical conditions to disappear or improve. For instance, 66 percent of those with diabetes no longer have diabetes and 25 percent require less medication. For those with hypertension, 6 out of 10 become normal and 1 in 3 improves requiring less medicine.
Some studies have compared lapband surgery and established non-surgical weight-loss treatment and have now shown that the lapband surgery is far more successful in reducing or eliminating serious disease than its non-surgical counterpart although the risk of treatment is the same for both groups. Now, studies also show that the same result in obese adolescents with very good and safe outcomes.
But a word of caution! Obese persons seeking surgery to help them reduce the unwanted weights should consult trained and experienced surgeons or hospitals with good track records to ensure lowest degree of risks while achieving successful outcomes.
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