How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat

By:Jessica VanderHaar

Most of us know what it is like to button up our jeans only to find that bit of flab that hangs over the button-flap. It can be frustrating and embarrassing. It also seems like getting rid of that stubborn belly fat is near impossible.

Excess belly fat is more strongly linked to diabetes and heart disease than weight on the hips, thighs, buttocks and legs. But to figure out how to get rid of belly fat, we need to understand what causes it.

Did you know that where we accumulate weight is genetically determined? If you keep this in the forefront of your mind, it will help you deal with the feelings of failure when you look in the mirror and still see that spare tire hanging around.

Stress is another factor of increased belly fat.

Fat in the abdominal area has a greater blood supply as well as more cortisol receptors than fat elsewhere in your body. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Those levels rise and fall throughout every day but when you are under constant stress the hormone remains elevated. This results in more fat being deposited in the abdominal area.

Another cause of belly fat is, of course, what we eat. Eating high calorie, high sugar, carbohydrate-rich foods can have a negative effect on your waistline. Unfortunately, a lot of these foods are considered “comfort foods” and are the foods that we go to during periods of high stress and/or when we are feeling blue.

So what are we to do? How do we get rid of that stubborn belly fat?

If you want to get rid of the fat around your midsection, start with utilizing stress-reduction techniques. This includes forms of deep breathing, meditation and exercise. Learning to manage the stressors that trigger the hormone changes can play a large role in controlling your weight.

Exercise is not only a stress reliever, it builds muscle, gets rid of fat and helps tone your body. Performing exercises that strengthen your core will have a direct effect on the reduction of belly fat.

You need to cut down on calories, but not just calories. You need to change your diet completely to include more healthy, natural foods. There are many diets available on the internet. Consulting with your doctor and/or a nutritionist can assist you in finding the right diet for you.

For the most comprehensive, long term effects, you need to incorporate a lifestyle change. A temporary diet is only a temporary fix.

If you are interested in learning more about changing your diet visit:

About the author:
First and foremost, I am a mom. I am also an information junkie. I began getting very interested in weight loss, and belly fat to be more specific, after I gave birth to my 4th child and my tummy didn't snap back that way it is supposed to.
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