How Your Health Changes After Weight Loss
- By:Jenn Richards
There is a shift in attitude towards weight loss these days. More and more people understand that it doesn’t matter how thin you look if you are not a healthy human being. Losing weight is no longer a matter of looking good, it’s a matter of being healthy, happy and free to live your life anyway you choose.
So is it really worth the trouble to join a hard-to-follow weight loss program? What benefits can you expect when you lose weight? And, more importantly perhaps, what benefits can you expect if you reach your goal and lose weight?
There are many “before and after weight loss” stories and some are truly inspiring and play an important support role for people who struggle with extra pounds. But no matter how many stories you will read and how much inspiration you can get from them, nothing will prepare you for how you will feel once you’ve reached your goals.
Before weight loss most all the people complain about the same things: they feel down, sexually and socially unattractive, they feel inferior, they lack will power, etc. After weight loss they expect to feel the exact opposite, but it doesn’t happen like this all the time. So what can you realistically expect in your life after successfully losing weight?
Losing weight will boost your confidence levels to an all time high and not only because you look better and you feel better, but also because you were able to achieve your goal and worked hard to get there! Even if you only lose one size in clothes, it’s still a huge achievement. It gives you the strength to continue a healthy lifestyle. And this is the most important change that happens after you lose weight.
Don’t expect to become a sexbomb overnight, that’s not going to happen. Your friends and family and all the people will perceive you exactly as you were before, only thinner. What it is going to happen is that you will realize that life can be fun even if you eat more veggies and less burgers. It will be fun to find that you enjoy more time with your dog and kids, because you won’t feel tired after a 5 minutes of leisurely walk. It will be fun to coach your nephews for their next crucial soccer game and it will be a whole lot of fun to enjoy sex with your partner for a longer time.
The changes in your appearance may not be very dramatic at first, but what you have to aim for is a change in the way you look at yourself and live your life. Once you are able to find a new balance and new things to enjoy, you will forget all about eating and lazing all day long in a couch!
Before weight loss you wanted a big change in your life. No matter how little weight you lose, that change will be there and you can start to enjoy a new lifestyle. The most important gift you can make yourself is to celebrate the new you after weight loss and make yourself in style for the rest of your life.
About the author:
Read more about your health before and after weight loss.