How a Fat Man Can Build Muscle and Lose Weight At The Same Time
- By:Adrian Bryant
Most fitness gurus say you can’t lose weight or build muscle at the same time and according to them…You have to focus on one thing at a time (whether it be weight loss or building muscle) to get the results you want and that may be true but…Yes, you can burn off ugly fat and build muscles at the same time and here’s how you do it…To lose weight and build muscles at the same time… All you have to do is what I call “Manly-cardio” instead of “Sissy-cardio.” Sissy cardio is walking, riding a bike, or taking aerobics which is fine for losing weight but... If you do “Manly-cardio” like…Chopping wood, circuit training , or the farmer’s walk… You’ll be losing weight and building muscle.
When you’re chopping wood for 15 – 20 minutes you’ll be burning fat and you’ll also be building up your shoulder and arm muscles when you swing the axe and... You’ll also build up your six pack abs as you twist your body to swing the axe.When you do the farmer’s walk by walking around with two heavy dumbbells in your hand for only 10 minutes you get a good fat-burning cardio workout along with building your traps (your neck muscles), your back, and leg muscles and the easiest way for any man to start off doing “Manly-cardio” is to do circuit training.
Circuit training is where you do at least 7 weight training exercises without taking a rest between the weight training exercises so for example… You may do 8 reps of the bench press followed by 8 reps of curls then 8 reps of squats and so on until you finished doing at least 7 different weight training exercises in a row without stopping and...The best way to get in a good weight loss and muscle building Circuit training workout is to…Do at least 7 different weight training exercises without stopping You should do 8-15 reps of each exercise DO NOT STOP until you finished all 7 exercises and After you finished all 7 exercises take a 5 minute break and repeat the circuit 2 more times Basically… if you workout like a girl (a sissy) you’ll lose weight and be skinny like a girl but..If you workout like a man you’ll lose weight and build muscle at the same time.
Are you ready to build muscle while losing fat the same time? Visit to get more FREE tips on how any fat man can lose weight and build muscle at the same time.About the author:
Adrian Bryant is a weight loss expert who has been helping people lose weight online for 11 years with his website: Adrian’s weight loss and body sculpting secrets.