How do you lose weight?


Being overweight is really no good for the body. If you don’t know this, then you need to do some soul searching. Science has confirmed that there are too many risk factors for being overweight. You need to shed the extra weight at any cost. Is it possible to lose the weight? Yeah, losing weight is very possible and relatively easy to do. You just have to have the desire to do it. The question you should ask yourself on weight loss is how do you lose the extra weight safely?

The need for losing the weight

Overweight people are more prone to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. Besides these problems most obese people will suffer from joint problems, personality disorders, inferiority complex, depression etc. There is no single benefit from the extra weight that one had gained. This being the case, one should never hesitate to work towards weight loss and getting to a weight that is more healthy and balanced.

Get help from your doctor to set goals

No job can be accomplished in one go. Any work approached step by step will become easy, be it weight loss or weight gain. It is imperative to set goals while attempting weight reduction. The goals set must be sensible and achievable. Setting a goal to lose 3-5 kg per month may be possible and becomes a sensible goal. Trying to lose 20 kg per month is unrealistic.

It is always better to get the help of the health professional to set and achieve goals. If you are active in your lifestyle you will need about 2500 calories per day. Inactive men and women will need only 2000 calories. If you eat 200 to 300 calories less everyday, losing 1 pound per week is just possible. Before you do that, get the help of your health care professional to help with establishing your goals


Exercise for at least 30 minutes in a day is a must for weight loss. The exercise can be anything like walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, aerobic dancing etc. but the exercise must be done regularly and continuously for a minimum of thirty minutes and I stress minimum. The idea is simply using up more energy than you eat. This way you will be sure to use the energy stored in the form of fat.

Eating less sugar and less fat

Fat and sugary food items will release more energy, which will be stored in the body as fat, which will increase the weight thus complicating the weight loss process. Eating too much sugar and fat will also give you trouble getting other important nutrients like protein, minerals and vitamins as the high sugar diet will give the feeling of full meal.

Eating a wide variety of food

Eating wide variety of foods is one of the best ways to lose weight. This way one will be consume all the essential nutrients you need. This is because when one consumes a variety of food, one food may be rich in protein, the other in minerals, and the other in vitamins etc. A wide variety of food challenges you to eat a large variety of fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of animal product in your diet

Fad diets

Fad diets are really not effective for weight loss. They are either too much or too little of one type of food. This way the body is deprived of essential nutrients, which are not desirable. The best diet is a wide variety of fruits and vegetables with an effort on exercising everyday.

Diet pills

Diet pills are can be effective for weight loss but one should consume them as per the dosage prescribed by the physician. At the same time the user must be conscious of the possible side effects. Diet pills really should never be used long term. Use them in the beginning and then make effort on changing your diet to whole foods.

By just following the points discussed above weight loss can be done safely.

About the author:
Dr. Alan Jenks is the author of "The Doctor Is Thin" Sign up for his free natural weight loss tips at