How to Rub Weight and Fat Off From Your Belly

By:Rob Maraby

The conventional weight loss methods for losing weight and flattening the abs are often tedious and they simply don't work, they require a lot of sacrifice and are very expensive, each day there is a new book on how to lose those inches!

Today I am going to show you a simple way to remove fat from your belly-it is a simple 5000 year old Chinese method that tales just two minutes of your time!

To begin this exercise lie on your back. Now put the palm of your hands on your navel- then simply rub it as follows.

Use your right hand, then rub clockwise from the center, that is from right to left, first in small circles, then increase the circles until the upper and lower abs are being rubbed when you have covered both the lower and upper abs, reverse the movement counter clockwise , this time the circle gets smaller with each and every counter clockwise rotation until you are back at the navel.

Do not apply force, you want a simple gentle rub, when you get to the navel, repeat from the start again, do this 10-12 times

What is happening when you apply your right hand on your belly and you are performing the clockwise movement, is that your chi- invincible energy is being passed from the hands through the skin to your belly, so as you go in circles, you are applying energy to the muscles of the stomach.

To make this exercise more effective visualize the energy from the hands going through the skin to your belly, gently massaging and burning fat off your abdominal area.

This electricity from your hands- your chi- massages your intestines, your blood vessels and your digestive and bowl system

Fat accumulations are disturbed from their resting place and broken up, where it is passed into the bowl system and eliminated.

This way your stubborn fat is burned away simply by rubbing away!

But there is another benefit- when you rub your abs in a clockwise position you are encouraging proper bowl movement, this relives constipation and allows you to have the proper bowl movements/ Constipation is what usually causes water retention, and weight gain (fat deposit!)

So if you suffer from constipation, this exercise will allow you to have regular bowl movements which will allow you to lose those last few stubborn pounds

About the author:
Rob Maraby is te author of the fast abs program and other get great abdominals
exercises and weight loss
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