If you need to lose weight

By:Yana Mikheeva

Today there’re lots of widely advertised methods to narrow your waist (and other problem places) on 2-3 cm almost in a moment. It's quite another matter that you can also loose your fresh complexion, hair and even teeth. If you have a good intention not just to fit your plumped body to some “European” standard, but to improve your health, don’t put yourself on a fashionable diet or buy a miracle fat burning medicine. It’s really better for you to put on a couple of old jogging shoes, buy stylish sports suit and go to an autumn park.
When the weather is good, you can start from cycling, jogging along and, of course, walking – the cheapest kind of sport, requiring minimum of your time and equipment. Remember: on average, walking 1 km for 10 minutes, you burn 6 kilocalories in a minute. How to determine an optimal distance for your level of training? It’s not too interesting to walk along a stadium, it’s not useful to walk along the highway, and it’s not economically to walk with a pedometer in a pocket. It’s better to listen to your organism: if you are gasping a little, but feel wonderful at the same time – this means you’ve chosen a right speed, and now you should constantly increase time of intensive walking till 40-45 minutes every day. Calculate your usual route to work and back home and try to walk although a part of it. Results of investigations say that a course of such exercises during 30 minutes a day will be enough for a constant weight loss and vital energy improvement. And 45 minutes a day will completely guarantee you’ll become slender and healthy by the future spring.
If you cannot afford yourself to waste almost ah hour a day on walking, and have no opportunity to combine it with your business movements, then reduce time of exercises without reducing the loud. This means you should change walking to running. You shouldn’t be galloping, even if you’re full of energy in the beginning of training: your calories won’t burn quicker this way. Choose a steady speed that doesn’t put your breathe out and make your heart thumping since very beginning.

After you choose a well-known and even road, take a “modest” speed and… think of something pleasant. 15-20 minutes of running will fly away insensibly while you’re thinking. And this will be quite enough to set a “mechanism of growing thin” going. You know, our organism passes to an automatic mode of calories burning after 20 minutes of training, and then shakes out store-rooms of fat for another 20 minutes. Even if you have already taken shower and now are lying on the sofa.
When the weather is bad, start exercising with dumb-bells at home or with trainer in a gym (for 25 minutes 3 times a week). Weight-lifting exercises drive fat away slowly, but truly, you’ll feel the result by the end of the first week already. If you’re training without coach, remember that you need light dumb-bells and loud on a trainer, but frequent (till 20-25) repetitions. And work with big loud and small quantity of repetitions (7-10) is necessary to build up muscles. Every month of weight-lifting exercises (even without running, walking and cardinal change of nutrition) you’ll loose a kilogram of fat that will be changed by muscle mass. Weight loss, probably, will be not so great, but your shapes will become more graceful and smarter, and the volumes of problem places – smaller.

Undoubtedly, aerobics is of benefit when you exercise regularly. However, not every person, who has never done this before, will be able to start doing aerobics in a group. And you know, such exercises exactly bring appreciable use, while exercises alone before TV, as a rule, bring only perspiration. As, in spite of encouraging remarks of a couch, your motions are far from correct and don’t reach the purpose to load some certain groups of muscles.

If you’re still quite sure in your natural gracefulness, you can go in for aerobics successfully. And if you like dancing, replace training in gym by exercises in a dance club, equivalent in time and “perspiration”. Dancing is a wonderful method to make your heart and lungs work dynamically, fix your backbone and “squander” gravel in your kidneys. And, strangely enough, such active way of spending time not only burns your calories efficiently, but also distracts your appetite.

In general, make your life interesting, so that a tasty sandwich wouldn’t become your main pleasure for the day. Books, music, premieres of films, exhibitions – afford you some pleasure by all available intellectual and secular means. Absence of depression and good mood are necessary factors for psychological tuning of your organism on an appropriate rhythm for you.

However, don’t be carried away by good scale reading gained in the result of simple dehydration. During and after walking, running, dancing or weight-lifting exercises quench your thirst with water (mineral in desired), you can also squeeze a lemon or orange in it.