Is Hoodia the next weight loss miracle drug?

By:R Fredriksen

Everybody is looking for the next supplement that will assist him or her in losing weight. Over the years, there have been a number of ways people have been told how to lose weight. But sometimes the next best thing is located away from the labs and opinions of others and is in your own back yard. Well, maybe it’s only in your backyard if you live in the African desert.

Hoodia, a cactus, found primarily in the Kalahari is this next best thing. In the Kalahari, the plant is called the “Bushman’s Hat or “Queen of Namib” and is used by bushmen or hunters to survive the harsh desert by being able to travel for days without food. How does it work? The plant, Hoodia Cactus as it is often called, has a natural capacity to suppress appetite. What was thought to be an African folklore is now being discovered by drug companies through millions of dollars in research, to be true.

So what is it about the plant that makes it work? The plant contains steroidal glycosides, which in effect mimics the effect glucose has on the nerve cells in the brain. These glycosides tell us we are full when we are not. To be more scientific, it acts on the hypothalamus of the human brain in the same way that an increase in the amount of sugar in the bloodstream would. It basically tricks the brain into believing we have had enough calories to get us through the day and therefore suppresses hunger.

So what are the side effects of Hoodia? So far, the only known side effect is an overall felling of well-being; a side effect most don’t mind. Combined with other natural weight loss substances such as ephedra or caffeine –Hoodia has become a very efficient weight loss drug. Packaged together by companies like Lipodrene, the product gives dieters a way to lose weight while feeling like they have extra energy - all without hunger.

Who is using this new miracle drug? It seems the stars of Hollywood discovered its benefits first with rumor of Nicole Richie and the cast from Desperate Housewives, enjoying its benefit. Today the general public is learning about it.

Skeptics have traveled to the deserts of Africa to try it themselves. One woman, working as a journalist, reported that after a day of traveling and feeling famished, she tried the herb and found that she wasn’t hungry for forty-eight hours. As a reporter, she found that encouraging when finding time to stop and eat isn’t always easy with a busy schedule.

So, whether you are too busy to eat at any given moment or you’re somebody who fights eating when you aren’t necessarily hungry, as in using food for emotional reasons or to fight boredom, this natural substance might be the trick in helping you find balance. It just could be the next miracle cure for many.

About the author:
About the R. Fredriksen is the Vice President of Nutrition Dome, a leading provider of Jarrow Formulas, Pioneer Nutritional Forumulas, Lipodrene and other quality supplements. For more information, please visit