Is Slimming Stopping You From Losing Weight?
- By:Alison Symons
Have you tried every possible diet plan, even the "fads" when you've been really desperate, exercised until you have fainted and still not lost weight, worse still put weight on? Then ask yourself this question is it the sort of food you are eating that is stopping you from losing weight or is it when you eat? The answer is probably yes on both counts, not because you are greedy and eating to much but because you are eating the wrong things at the wrong times on the wrong days. Your body is an engine it requires the correct type of fuel at the right time of day to perform the tasks that need doing. You may end up not using the calories you are consuming and they will then be stored for future use as fat tissue.
The bodies metabolism regulates the amount of calories being burned and adjusts if the intake of calories is reduced, that means that you may initially lose weight quickly on a calorie controlled diet but it will not last as your metabolism adjusts to the new levels and you quickly find yourself on a starvation diet. The body is naturally designed to store fat for the leaner times and because you are lucky enough to live in a world where you can eat pretty much what you like when you like it is all to easy to find yourself piling on the pounds even when you think you are eating sensibly.
It has been discovered that the body takes a few days to adjust the metabolism to a change in eating patterns. It may be possible therefore to exploit this delay to force the body to burn fat by rotating not only the overall calorie intake but also the type of calories consumed. This can also help to prevent boredom setting in as often happens when you have been on the same diet for several weeks.
Since the body cannot know what you are going to eat tomorrow or the next day it can only assume that you will be following the same general pattern it is used to. By doing what the body is not expecting and changing the pattern of what you eat and when you eat it every few days the body can be fooled into burning body fat. By eating foods that contain calories that are easily metabolized, such as in raw foods for example, the calories are burned quicker and the body seeks out more calories and they are those stored in the body as fat tissue. Food that is easily metabolized include certain types of fats, and yet fats are one of the first things you are told to cut out when you start a diet.
So if nothing seems to be happening with your diet and your weight loss has ground to a halt start putting your own plan together, don't let your metabolism get the better of you, keep your body on its toes, look out different diet plans and change your food intake every few days, keep you eyes peeled for those foods that metabolize easily and never starve yourself.
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