Issues Involed with Teen Weight Loss
- By:Sheila A Shover
Issues Involed with Teen Weight Loss
Have you ever wondered about teen weight loss? This article was written to help point you in the right direction with some basic information and to make you aware of this growing problem.
There's no misgiving that our great nation, The Land of the Free, has issues with teen weight loss. This naturally stems from our diet of processed foods and media coverage. What I mean is our diet is typically very poor here in United States. It sure enough doesn't have to be that way, but far too many individuals choose this path. Then there's the media. It warps the minds of our teens and even our pre-teens. If it doesn't have them feeling hypercritical about their personal beauty, it has them feeling fat, even when they're not. Yes certainly, teen wieght loss is a concern not to be taken lightly. This brings me to a very important subject. Do you have any idea if your child is on a personal diet, and/or suffers from some type of eating disorder? Most parents don't have the slightest indication.
Consider this for a moment.
You should ask yourself how long you are willing to live this way. If you can't imagine staying on a specific plan until you reach your weight goal, try something else.
Going on and off of the same plan again and again leads to what is called yo-yo dieting.
Sometimes I wonder why and where it all began. Did issues with teen weight loss and diet pills always exist? Of course not. When I hear my grandmother talk about growing up in the 40's, she claims that nobody ever cared about this stuff. It wasn't an problem, because it wasn't such a core part of the media like it is today. Now you can turn on the TV and see prominent female celebrities looking scrawnier that ever before. What is the idea here? I'm not for certain if I know where this mindset to be SO thin came from. I assume it could have derived from the catwalks of Manhattan and Milan. Maybe all famous females are imitating the fashion models these days. Either way, it's definitely having an effect on our teens. Thousands of American teenagers are being treated for teen weight loss disorders. And this is not an affliction exclusive only to females. Some high school and middle school boys are also struggling with the repulsive concern of depression due to their image.
What can be done about this outrageous teen weight loss and where do we start? It all starts with what we characterize as beautiful or handsome to our children. Obviously if your child does not feel attractive, this is undoubtable going to have an effect on them. As far as the media goes, there isn't much dictating it. We have to realize that just because it's on TV, doesn't mean it's reputable. Let your children how wonderful they are and help them stay healthy. They need your direction at that age.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this information as much as we have sharing it. Our goal was to inspire and point you in the right direction. May God bless your efforts.
About the author:
Sheila is a successful nurse and mother of three. She has been in the
health care profession for over 13 years. She also was the president
of her local chapter Alpha Mu Delta of Phi Theta Kappa, during her nurse’s training.