Lipodissolve and Weight Loss

By:james dalton

In this day and age of plastic surgery, everyone is looking for different ways to perfect their body. This can be accomplished by a wide range of procedures. Currently and in the past the way to achieve results with plastic surgery is by doing what the name says and have invasive surgery. There are new methods that allow people to have non-evasive surgery and we will focus on one. This article will focus on lipodissolve and the different aspects associated with it.

Lipodissolve or Lipo Dissolve is a non evasive procedure that is used to take the fat from the body. The product contains phosphatidylcholine a chemical that is naturally found in humans bodies. The purpose of phosphatidylcholine is because of its ability to destroy and emulsify fat and cholesterol that develops in the body. The use of phosphatidylcholine in lipodissolve comes from the soybean, as it is similar to the one that is found in our body. The dissolve contains other ingredients such as alpha lipid acid, enzymes, plant extracts and multivitamins. These are used according to the part of the body that is being targeted and treated.

Lipodissolve is an injection that when used is supposed to allow your body to react in a certain way that will enable it to melt or dissolve away your fat. The use of the injection is a relatively painless procedure. For it to be successful, the specified area that needs to be treated is given 6 injections. The concoction is injected directly into the subcutaneous fat. This is accomplished with the use of multiple microinjections that are administered over a series treatment sessions. Because it is injected directly into the fat the lipodissolve helps breakdown and emulsify the fat deposits. The phosphatidylcholine contained in the formula will essentially work like a magnet. Once it is inside the body, it will begin to attract water and fat. This will result in the fat cell becoming emulsified and soluble where it is eventually removed from the body by the bowels, kidneys and liver.

As with anytime of procedure there are some types of complications that are associated with it. These effects are considered to be minor and these include but are not limited to infection, swelling, slight bruising, and an allergic reaction. These complications can be treated by your physician and you could be back to normal in no time. The downside is there has not been any significant research to show the long term effects of doing this procedure.

About the author:
James Dalton has a specific interest in the health industry. He has done research and written on such topics as tretinoin and azelaic acid. If you liked this article, please check out more on lipodissolve written by James Dalton