Loosing never felt so good!

By:Adrian George

When we talk weight loss we think fat. That's all you hear today. Burning fat, binding fat, good fat, bad fat...
Some people are talking calories, how to minimize the intake, how to burn faster! Honestly we should worry about both. We should make sure our food intake doesn't include junk food. The daily calories should come from healthy food. But why fat is such a bad scary word? Is it us overreacting maybe? Do you really care if you don't eat any fat if instead you are getting tones of calories from sweets?

How about carbs? Aren't they truly a bigger threat than fat? Let's think about it for a quick minute. I say carbs are the real reason for most of us overweight people. In most cultures bread was and still present in any meal. For others pasta is just the same. How about rice? How about potatoes? These are carbs and they are present in almost every single meal for most people!

So without saying that fat is good we have to admit there are other major factors in getting overweight. Fat is a factor not only in weight management but also in heart conditions the human body being able to handle only that much. In recent years heart attack among young people increased significantly and fat is one major factor in this.

Not all fat is bad though. Some is good and some is a real danger for your general health. Foods like meat and dairy products are low in saturated fat. On the other hand deep fried food: donuts, French fries, chips are extremely high in saturated fat and this is where we have to raise a red flag signaling real danger! This is how you get awful many calories and that is how you manage to setup a nice hart attack. If these foods are among your daily favorites you may want to think again next time you gram a big bag of potato chips! Don't be greedy or you will pay later a hefty price.

Oil! Use only small quantities and if possible use olive oil as this is low on saturated fats. A smart investment for your health is non stick cookware. This allows for using less oil. If you get an expensive one you may not need oil at all!

Just to conclude, I would say watch your caloric intake, fat and also how much carbs you are eating daily. It sounds a bit redundant but that is the essence of this topic. You don't watch these three factors you will have an ongoing battle with your extra weight.

And weight is not the only problem you may have if you are into fat rich diets. Heart conditions, skin problems, dangerous sugar level, exposure to vary forms of cancer may be among common issues you may come across.

Hopefully you realized by now how important is for you and your general health to loose the fat in your food so you don't have to struggle trying to loose it from your body. Watch it and you will understand why in this loosing feels so good.

About the author:
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