Lose Weight by Climbing Stairs

By:Fadhrick Pickaso

Stairs climbing is the best way to reduce body fat and burn calories. It is estimated that approximately 75 calories utilizes in the 15-20 minutes of climbing stairs. A stair climbing is not just useful to reduce excess fat; it also makes strong muscles of lower portion of body and joints. Climbing stairs is also useful to enhance blood circulation.

One should follow a plan of nutritious eating so as to improve body weight loss. Well-balanced nutritious eating diet may include a good variety of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. This is because; a nourished and healthy body reduces the fat quickly. As well as, a study of diet has shown that motivation is increased while one examines the weight and body capacity on a regular basis and records the common exercise improvement.

Benefits of climbing stairs:

" Climbing stairs is very helpful to make the body strength and cardiovascular stamina.
" A stair climbing is also decreased the risk of associating of high blood pressure and coronary heart problem.
" Climbing stairs enhances the efficiency at work and improves the body resistance.
" A stair climbing is also effective to increase blood circulation and improves lung and heart function.

A stair climbing utilizes the muscles of buttocks, quadriceps and legs. This type of workout can be an extreme activity for the leg muscles and heart as one is bearing the body weight in opposition to severity. Climbing stairs is very protected activity for knee joints, if one does not have any knee disease.

If an individual has any disease, discuss with orthopedic before beginning this activity. In the first week, one should perform this for just 15 minutes and after that, add 5 more minutes in each week. While performing stair climbing, one should wear comfortable shoes.

Perfect Posture For Climbing Stairs

Perfect Climbing Stairs Posture represents react onward faintly from the hips with the back in a straight line. See frontward and keep the eye on the stairs from moment to moment without looking behind with a curved head the complete time. One should set the foot on the step of stairs properly. Try to prevent over-straightening the knees as one climbs.

About the author:
For more information on Lose"> http://www.beautyfeast.com/Weight-Loss/Weight-Loss-Main.htm">Lose Weight by Climbing Stairs and healthy body go to http://www.beautyfeast.com/ Jessica Thomson's website specializing in care for body conditions with tips, advice and resources for women, men, teens and babies, including information on the health care.