Losing weight doesnt have to be a science
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Welcome readers as many people know exercise and diet is essential for losing weight
and have a healthy body. Sadly very few people are willing to go through it as some
sacrifice is required. Obviously the first reaction when you tell people they have to eat
what they don’t want like carrots, broccoli, lettuce, and other stuff that honestly doesn’t
taste as good as pizza or hamburgers is to reject it and ignore it’s benefits. Depending on the goal that wants to be achieved the dietary requirements may vary. For a person that simply wants to lose a couple of pounds the logical choice is to limit the transfat and saturated fats and processed foods. Of course achieving the right balance between carbs and proteins is vital to succeed in the diet. For example eating a good amount of rice
with a small portion of meat like chicken and some vegetables is a good example of a
good meal. A meal with little amount of fat is good however is not enough to lose weight.
Exercise is the second element to lose weight. There are mainly 2 types of exercises :
aerobic or cardio and strength exercises. Both are very important cardio exercises will
strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system while strength exercises will help with
the overall muscles of the body. Giving equal amount of time to both types is an effective way to make sure they get the attention required. The rate at will you lose weight can be slow but it will happen and the best part is you don’t have to starve yourself in order to lose weight and look the way you always wanted.
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