Obesity Surgery

By:Donna McClinton

Obesity is the bane of the modern ‘fast food’ world. Obesity surgery is an answer to all the ‘weighty issues’ faced by an individual. In tune with the times, it is a quick answer, to a problem that otherwise could take years to be solved.

As the name suggests, obesity surgery, is a surgical procedure that enables a person to lose weight. It is specifically for those people, who have just about tried everything, to lose weight or tried hard to maintain their weight loss but failed in all their attempts. Though obesity is relatively harmless, as compared to other medical conditions, it does lead to health problems in the long run and decreases a person’s life expectancy. For these reasons, weight reduction assumes paramount importance.

A person should ideally go for obesity surgery, if he/she suffers from morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is a condition wherein individuals have a body weight that is 50 to 100% above what is measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is calculated taking into consideration a persons weight in relation to his/her height. In medical parlance, a BMI between 30-40 is considered obese and that lying over 40 is considered morbidly obese.

At times obesity manifests itself in cycles. A person can drastically reduce weight and in a little time might just gain weight drastically. This is why new, improved and innovative weight reduction measures are being introduced and among these is, obesity surgery. Obesity surgery is not as drastic a measure as many people believe it to be. An invasive medical procedure has some amount of associated risks, as is the case with obesity surgery. However, there are numerous bariatric surgeons, who are experts in this type of surgery. Coupled with state-of-the-art hospitals and medical clinics, the complications are minimized to a great extent.

Many regard obesity surgery as a quick fix solution, but nothing can be farther from the truth. It is a comprehensive procedure that also includes, among other things, superior support and services of other medical professionals like dieticians and psychologists. The treatment plan is drawn out over a long period of time. Obesity surgical procedure involves the placement of the gastric band in the upper portion of the stomach. This limits an individual’s intake of food. This is accomplished by using what is known as laproscopic surgery also known as keyhole surgery. This gastric band or the lap band is adjustable in nature and if need be, can be removed altogether.

The post-operative care includes an overnight stay in the hospital, following the operation. It also includes regular consultations with health care professionals, who will counsel you regarding the subsequent life style changes that a person needs to adapt to.

About the author:
Donna McClinton is Senior Patient Advisor at Cosmetic Surgery Consultants one of the UK's leading cosmetic surgery groups. For more information on cosmetic and plastic surgery advice visit - http://www.cosmeticsurgeryconsultants.co.uk