Obesity s sweeping this continent help to stop it

By:Ralph Morton

Please answer me, how can we get the message out to those
who don't want to hear it? Those who are slowly dying
from the horrors that are mentioned below.

Obesity is a potentially deadly condition. Poor nutrition
and physical inactivity account for some 300,000 premature
deaths in the United States each year. 3 Obesity-related
illness results in hundreds of thousands of preventable
deaths each year in the United States and billions of dollars
in health care costs.

Being obese causes an increased risk for developing a number
of serious and potentially lethal health problems, including:
hypertension/high blood pressure, non-insulin-dependent or
Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and gallstones and
gall bladder disease.

High blood cholesterol, dyslipidemia
Insulin resistance, glucose intolerance
Congestive heart failure
Cholescystitis and cholelithiasis
Some types of cancer (such as endometrial, breast, prostate,
and colon)
Complications of pregnancy
Poor female reproductive health (such as menstrual
irregularities, infertility, irregular ovulation)
Bladder control problems (such as stress incontinence)
Psychological disorders (such as depression, eating disorders,
distorted body image, and low self- esteem)

That last one is important too, self esteem!! We know now know
that those who are obese can be helped by ridding themselves
of toxins.

Have you ever asked yourself this question, why is it today
we have more obese people? Up 67% of the population are
overweight today. There were a great lot less many years ago.
A few, but in no way were they around as they are today, and
believe me it will get worse. It will not get any better
unless people educate themselves. Unless they know
why this is happening, the problem will continue to grow.

Think of this; in the 1950' and 60's we never had so many obese
people as we have today. In fact, I believe people did not get
fat, they just did not like to draw attention to themselves.
I guess there were one or two around, however lot too many.
Don't tell me it was because some of us did not have enough to
eat, because even then we had those who were financially
comfortable but did look after them. Their health and
well being was as it should be.

That certainly isn't the case today is it? The situation has
become so urgent, we have to get the message out.

Go to http://google.com do a search for Isagenix natural cleanse
then you will see this page as No 1.

I can only suggest those that suffer obesity should visit
http://thisisyourbusiness.net and listen to Dr Natrajan. She
will give you the full facts of why a cleanse is a necessity.

Please do yourself a service and as I said in another article,
"Treat yourself as if you are an Athlete.

About the author:
Ralph Morton has many articles on the subject of toxins
and has helped hundreds to lose weight the easy way. He
would like you to read others Articles. Please visit
http://thisisyourbusiness.net and enjoy them. If you do
a cleanse you will no doubt lose the weight, however, if
you want to become wealthy, Ralph will show you the way.

You can also visit http://theteam.isagenix.com when it
loads on the top left click on ISAVIDEOS and listen to
Dr Becky Natrajan who will give you full details of what
Toxins do to your system.

Also you will find two News Casts, one from FOX, the
other from ABC Television programs, each show why
cleansing is the way to lose weight.